Cross samba steps with ¼ turn right,2x lockstep
1Rf step forward in left diagonal
&Lf step left
2Rf 1/8 turn right, step back (1:30)
3Lf cross behind right
&Rf 1/8 turn right, step right (3:00)
4Lf step forward
5Rf step forward
&Lf step behind Rf
6Rf step forward
7Lf step forward
&Rf step behind LF
8Lf step forward
Mambo step, step touch backwards, coaster step, 2x hipbump with ¼ turn left
9Rf step forward
&Lf weight back
10Rf step back - Lf touch in front of Rf
11Lf step back - Rf touch in front of Lf
12Rf step back - Lf touch in front of Rf
13Lf step back
&RF step next to Rf
14Lf step forward
15Rf hitch with hipbump and 1/8 turn left (1:30)
&Rf lower hip
16Rf hitch with hipbump and 1/8 turn left (12:00)
2x Syncopated side rocksteps, rockstep R, cross shuffle R
17Rf step right - Lf swivel and lift toe slightly left
18LF weight back
&Rf step next to Lf
19Lf step left - Rf swivel and lift toe slightly right
20Rf weight back
&Lf step next to Rf
21Rf step right
22Lf weight back
23Rf cross over LF
&Lf step left
24Rf cross over Lf
2x Step touch with ½ turn right, side shuffle, 2x sailor steps
25Lf step left
&Rf touch with ¼ turn right (3:00)
26Rf step right
&Lf touch with ¼ turn right (6:00)
27Lf step left
&Rf step next to Lf
28Lf step left
29Rf step behind Lf
&LF step left
30Rf step right
31Lf step behind Rf
&Rf step right
32Lf step left
*4 count TAG after wall 2:
&1Rf next to Lf, Lf to side
2 3 4Hip Roll from L to R
Enjoy the Dance
Questions: info@studiot2ld.com
Last Update: 11 Apr 2023
1Rf step forward in left diagonal
&Lf step left
2Rf 1/8 turn right, step back (1:30)
3Lf cross behind right
&Rf 1/8 turn right, step right (3:00)
4Lf step forward
5Rf step forward
&Lf step behind Rf
6Rf step forward
7Lf step forward
&Rf step behind LF
8Lf step forward
Mambo step, step touch backwards, coaster step, 2x hipbump with ¼ turn left
9Rf step forward
&Lf weight back
10Rf step back - Lf touch in front of Rf
11Lf step back - Rf touch in front of Lf
12Rf step back - Lf touch in front of Rf
13Lf step back
&RF step next to Rf
14Lf step forward
15Rf hitch with hipbump and 1/8 turn left (1:30)
&Rf lower hip
16Rf hitch with hipbump and 1/8 turn left (12:00)
2x Syncopated side rocksteps, rockstep R, cross shuffle R
17Rf step right - Lf swivel and lift toe slightly left
18LF weight back
&Rf step next to Lf
19Lf step left - Rf swivel and lift toe slightly right
20Rf weight back
&Lf step next to Rf
21Rf step right
22Lf weight back
23Rf cross over LF
&Lf step left
24Rf cross over Lf
2x Step touch with ½ turn right, side shuffle, 2x sailor steps
25Lf step left
&Rf touch with ¼ turn right (3:00)
26Rf step right
&Lf touch with ¼ turn right (6:00)
27Lf step left
&Rf step next to Lf
28Lf step left
29Rf step behind Lf
&LF step left
30Rf step right
31Lf step behind Rf
&Rf step right
32Lf step left
*4 count TAG after wall 2:
&1Rf next to Lf, Lf to side
2 3 4Hip Roll from L to R
Enjoy the Dance
Questions: info@studiot2ld.com
Last Update: 11 Apr 2023