CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate NC2S
Jonathan Tsu (UK) - November 2019
Tuesday - Five for Fighting
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Intro: 16 counts

Sections 1-4 (32 Counts)
Sec 1 [1-8] Step, pivot 1/2, sweep 1/2, behind-side, cross rock-recover, back, rock-back-recover 1/8 L, two halves L with cross over.
123 Step forward on RF (1), make a 1/2 turn L pivot placing weight on LF (2), make a 1/2 turn L stepping back on RF and sweeping LF (3) [12:00],
4&5 Cross LF behind RF (4), step R on RF (&), rock LF across RF angling towards diagonal [1:30],
6&7 Recover weight back on RF (6), step LF slightly behind RF (&), rock back on RF (7)
&8& Recover weight on LF squaring up to 12:00 (&), make a 1/2 turn L stepping back on RF (8), make another 1/2 turn L ending up with LF crossed over RF (&) [12:00].

Sec 2 [9-16] Nightclub basic R, 1/4 weave with hitch, back sweep, back sweep, behind, 1/4 left, full spiral, forward.
12& Take a big step right on RF (1), rock LF behind RF (2), recover weight on RF (&),
3&4& Step left on LF (3), cross RF behind LF (&), make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward on LF (4) [9:00], hitch R leg (&),
56 Step back on RF sweeping LF from front to back (5), step back on LF sweeping RF from front to back (6),
7&8& Cross RF behind L (7), make a 1/4 turn L stepping forward on LF (&) [6:00], step RF forward making a full spiral turn over L shoulder (weight on RF) (8), step forward on LF (&).

Sec 3 [17-24] Cross-rock, hitch, step back, scissor, nightclub R with 1/4 L, walk, walk, close.
123 Rock RF across LF (1), recover weight on LF as you hitch your R left (2), step RF behind LF (3),
&4& Step L on LF (&), step RF next to LF (4), cross LF over RF (&),
[Optional: on counts & and 4, go up on your toes]
56& Take a big step R on RF (5), rock LF behind RF (6), recover weight on RF making a 1/4 turn L (&) [3:00],
78& Step forward on LF (7), step forward on RF (8), close LF next to RF (&).

Sec 4 [25-32] Back sweep, behind-side, cross rock, recover, side rock, recover, back rock with leg raise, pivot 1/2 L, 1/4 sweep, hitch, forward.
12& Step back on RF sweeping LF from front to back (1), step back on LF crossing it behind RF (2), step R on RF (&),
3&4& Rock LF across RF (3), recover weight on RF (&), rock L on LF (4), recover weight on RF (&),
5 Rock back on LF (for styling, use the full count to lean back into it and raise the R leg),
6&7 Take a big step forward on RF (6), pivot 1/2 turn L placing weight forward on LF (&) [9:00], make another 1/4 turn L stepping R on RF and sweeping LF from front to back (7) [6:00],
8& Hitch L knee (8), step forward on LF (&).

Tag (16 Counts): On walls 2 and 6 (after 28 counts). On wall 6, dance up to count 7 of the tag to end the dance.
TAG [1-8]: Walk, walk, 1/2 turn chase, walk, walk, 1/2 turn chase.
1-2 Step forward on LF (1), step forward on RF (2),
3&4 Step forward on LF (3), make a 1/2 R shifting weight onto RF (&), step forward on LF (4),
5-6 Step forward on RF (5), step forward on LF (6),
7&8 Step forward on RF (7), make a 1/2 L shifting weight onto LF (&), step forward on RF (8).

TAG [9-16]: Jazz 1/4 L, out-out-in-cross, hold (snap), ball-cross, touch, hitch.
123 Cross LF over RF (1), make a 1/4 turn L stepping back on RF (2), close LF next to RF (3),
4&a5 Step R on RF (4), step L on LF (&), step RF to centre (a), cross LF over RF (5),
6a7 Snap fingers (right hand) (6), step on ball of RF (a), cross LF over RF (7),
8& Touch RF to R (8), hitch R leg (&).

1 評論

AzDncer November 28, 2019

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