Intermediate waltz
Start: 24 Count Intro, Start dance on “…needed”, Weight on right, Clockwise Rotation
[1 – 6] Side, Slow Drag, Behind, Side, Cross
1-3Large step L to the side (lunge style), Drag R towards left (over 2 counts)
4-6Step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R across left
[7 – 12] ¼ Back, Drag, Together, Back, Drag, Together
1-3Turn ¼ right step L back, Drag R towards left, Step R beside left (3)
4-6Step L back, Drag R towards left, Step R beside left
[13 – 18] Coaster, Forward, Slow Sweep
1-3Step L back, Step R beside left, Step L forward
4-6Step R forward, Sweep L out to left side and forward (over 2 counts)
[19 – 24] Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Forward, Slow Drag
1-3Cross L over right, Step R to right, Step L behind right
4-6Turning 90 right step R forward, Drag L up towards right (over 2 counts) (6)
[25 – 30] Back, ½ Turn, Forward, Forward, Point, Hold
1-3Step L back, Turning 180 right step R forward, Step L forward (12)
4-6Step R forward, Point L toe to left, Hold
[31 – 36] Sailor Step, Sailor Step (both moving slightly backwards)
1-3Step L behind right, Step R to right, Step L slightly to left
4-6Step R behind left, Step L out to left, Step R slightly to right
[37 – 42] Back, ¼, Cross, Slow Dip, Touch
1-3Step L back, Turn 90 right step R to right, Cross L over right (3)
4-5Step R to right while dipping body from right to left (over 2 counts)
6Touch L toe slightly behind right foot
Tag: End of Walls 3, 4, 6 and 7, add the following tag facing 9:00, 12:00, 6:00 & 9:00.
Slow Dip, Point, Slow Dip, Touch
1-2Step L to left while dipping body from left to right (over 2 counts)
3Point R toe to right
4-5Step R to right while dipping body from right to left (over 2 counts)
6Touch L toe slightly behind right foot
Finish Wall 7 after you have completed the tag:
Turn 90 right step L back, Drag R toe over left to finish at the front wall.
Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Jo Rosenblatt 0417 074218 errolandjo@bigpond.com
[1 – 6] Side, Slow Drag, Behind, Side, Cross
1-3Large step L to the side (lunge style), Drag R towards left (over 2 counts)
4-6Step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R across left
[7 – 12] ¼ Back, Drag, Together, Back, Drag, Together
1-3Turn ¼ right step L back, Drag R towards left, Step R beside left (3)
4-6Step L back, Drag R towards left, Step R beside left
[13 – 18] Coaster, Forward, Slow Sweep
1-3Step L back, Step R beside left, Step L forward
4-6Step R forward, Sweep L out to left side and forward (over 2 counts)
[19 – 24] Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Forward, Slow Drag
1-3Cross L over right, Step R to right, Step L behind right
4-6Turning 90 right step R forward, Drag L up towards right (over 2 counts) (6)
[25 – 30] Back, ½ Turn, Forward, Forward, Point, Hold
1-3Step L back, Turning 180 right step R forward, Step L forward (12)
4-6Step R forward, Point L toe to left, Hold
[31 – 36] Sailor Step, Sailor Step (both moving slightly backwards)
1-3Step L behind right, Step R to right, Step L slightly to left
4-6Step R behind left, Step L out to left, Step R slightly to right
[37 – 42] Back, ¼, Cross, Slow Dip, Touch
1-3Step L back, Turn 90 right step R to right, Cross L over right (3)
4-5Step R to right while dipping body from right to left (over 2 counts)
6Touch L toe slightly behind right foot
Tag: End of Walls 3, 4, 6 and 7, add the following tag facing 9:00, 12:00, 6:00 & 9:00.
Slow Dip, Point, Slow Dip, Touch
1-2Step L to left while dipping body from left to right (over 2 counts)
3Point R toe to right
4-5Step R to right while dipping body from right to left (over 2 counts)
6Touch L toe slightly behind right foot
Finish Wall 7 after you have completed the tag:
Turn 90 right step L back, Drag R toe over left to finish at the front wall.
Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Jo Rosenblatt 0417 074218 errolandjo@bigpond.com