Count In: 4 counts from start of track - dance begins on vocals.
Notes: 2 Tags at the end of wall 2 and wall 5.
[1 – 8] R cross rock, R side rock, R back (1/8 turn), knee pop, L side rock (1/8 turn), L behind, R side, L cross shuffle
1 & 2 &Cross rock R over L [1]. Recover weight L [&]. Rock R to right side [2]. Recover weight L [&] 12.00
3 & 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping R back [3]. Pop both knees forward raising heels [&]. Return to place (straighten knees, drop heels) [4] 1.30
5 & 6 &Make 1/8 turn left rocking L to left side [5]. Recover weight R [&]. Cross L behind R [6]. Step R to right side [&] 12.00
7 & 8Cross L over R [7]. Step R to right side [&]. Cross L over R [8] 12.00
[9 – 16] R ball, L cross with sweep, R cross, 1/8 turn R back L, R back, L cross, R lock step back, L back rock
&1 2Step R to right side [&]. Cross L over R as you sweep R [1]. Cross R over L [2] 12.00
3 & 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping L back [3]. Step R back [&]. Cross L over R [4] 1.30
5 & 6Step R back [5]. Cross L over R [&]. Step R back [6] 1.30
7 8Rock L back [7]. Recover weight R [8] 1.30
[17 – 24] L Hip bump with 1/2 turn R, R hip bump with 1/2 turn R, L cross, R side (1/8 turn), L heel, L ball, R cross, unwind 1/2 L
1 2Make 1/4 turn right touching L to left side as you bump hips left [1]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping L back [2] 7.30
3 4Make 1/4 right on L ball as you touch R to right side bumping hips right [3]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping R forward [4] 1.30
5 & 6Step L forward (slightly across R) [5]. Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [&]. Touch L heel to left diagonal [6] 12.00
& 7 8Step in place on L ball [&]. Cross R over L [7]. Unwind 1/2 turn left transferring weight L [8] 6.00
[25 – 32] R shuffle towards diagonal, L scissor step squaring to 12.00, Box Square turn stepping R-L-R-L
1 & 2Make 1/8 turn left stepping R forward [1]. Step L next to R [&]. Step R forward [2] 4.30
3 & 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping L to left side [3]. Step R next to L [&]. Cross L over R 6.00
5 & 6 &Step R to right side [5]. Touch/Slide L next to R [&]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side [6]. Touch/Slide R next to L [&] 3.00
7 & 8Make 1/4 turn left stepping R to right side [7]. Touch/Slide L next to R [&]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side [8] 9.00
TAG 1: Wall 2: 2nd wall begins facing 9.00 and ends facing 6.00. Add the following 8 count Tag:
1 & 2 &Step R to right side/slightly forward [1]. Touch L next to R [&]. Step L to left side/slightly forward[2]. Touch R next to L [&]. 6.00
3 & 4 &Step R to right side/slightly forward [3]. Step L next to R [&]. Step R to right side/slightly forward [4]. Touch L next to R [&] 6.00
5 & 6 &Step L to left side/slightly forward [5]. Touch R next to L [&]. Step R to right side/slightly forward [6]. Touch L next to R [8] 6.00
7 & 8Step L to left side/slightly forward [7]. Step R next to L [&]. Step L to left side/slightly forward [8]. 6.00
TAG 2: Wall 5: 5th wall begins facing 12.00 and ends facing 9.00. Add the following 4 count Tag:
1 & 2 &Step R to right side [1]. Touch L next to R [&]. Step L forward to left side [2]. Touch R next to L [&]. 9.00
3 & 4Step R to right side [3]. Touch L next to R [&]. Step L to left side. [4] 9.00
E-mail: smckeever07@hotmail.com
Notes: 2 Tags at the end of wall 2 and wall 5.
[1 – 8] R cross rock, R side rock, R back (1/8 turn), knee pop, L side rock (1/8 turn), L behind, R side, L cross shuffle
1 & 2 &Cross rock R over L [1]. Recover weight L [&]. Rock R to right side [2]. Recover weight L [&] 12.00
3 & 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping R back [3]. Pop both knees forward raising heels [&]. Return to place (straighten knees, drop heels) [4] 1.30
5 & 6 &Make 1/8 turn left rocking L to left side [5]. Recover weight R [&]. Cross L behind R [6]. Step R to right side [&] 12.00
7 & 8Cross L over R [7]. Step R to right side [&]. Cross L over R [8] 12.00
[9 – 16] R ball, L cross with sweep, R cross, 1/8 turn R back L, R back, L cross, R lock step back, L back rock
&1 2Step R to right side [&]. Cross L over R as you sweep R [1]. Cross R over L [2] 12.00
3 & 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping L back [3]. Step R back [&]. Cross L over R [4] 1.30
5 & 6Step R back [5]. Cross L over R [&]. Step R back [6] 1.30
7 8Rock L back [7]. Recover weight R [8] 1.30
[17 – 24] L Hip bump with 1/2 turn R, R hip bump with 1/2 turn R, L cross, R side (1/8 turn), L heel, L ball, R cross, unwind 1/2 L
1 2Make 1/4 turn right touching L to left side as you bump hips left [1]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping L back [2] 7.30
3 4Make 1/4 right on L ball as you touch R to right side bumping hips right [3]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping R forward [4] 1.30
5 & 6Step L forward (slightly across R) [5]. Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [&]. Touch L heel to left diagonal [6] 12.00
& 7 8Step in place on L ball [&]. Cross R over L [7]. Unwind 1/2 turn left transferring weight L [8] 6.00
[25 – 32] R shuffle towards diagonal, L scissor step squaring to 12.00, Box Square turn stepping R-L-R-L
1 & 2Make 1/8 turn left stepping R forward [1]. Step L next to R [&]. Step R forward [2] 4.30
3 & 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping L to left side [3]. Step R next to L [&]. Cross L over R 6.00
5 & 6 &Step R to right side [5]. Touch/Slide L next to R [&]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side [6]. Touch/Slide R next to L [&] 3.00
7 & 8Make 1/4 turn left stepping R to right side [7]. Touch/Slide L next to R [&]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side [8] 9.00
TAG 1: Wall 2: 2nd wall begins facing 9.00 and ends facing 6.00. Add the following 8 count Tag:
1 & 2 &Step R to right side/slightly forward [1]. Touch L next to R [&]. Step L to left side/slightly forward[2]. Touch R next to L [&]. 6.00
3 & 4 &Step R to right side/slightly forward [3]. Step L next to R [&]. Step R to right side/slightly forward [4]. Touch L next to R [&] 6.00
5 & 6 &Step L to left side/slightly forward [5]. Touch R next to L [&]. Step R to right side/slightly forward [6]. Touch L next to R [8] 6.00
7 & 8Step L to left side/slightly forward [7]. Step R next to L [&]. Step L to left side/slightly forward [8]. 6.00
TAG 2: Wall 5: 5th wall begins facing 12.00 and ends facing 9.00. Add the following 4 count Tag:
1 & 2 &Step R to right side [1]. Touch L next to R [&]. Step L forward to left side [2]. Touch R next to L [&]. 9.00
3 & 4Step R to right side [3]. Touch L next to R [&]. Step L to left side. [4] 9.00
E-mail: smckeever07@hotmail.com