Intro: 4 counts (Start on “Dreams”)
Side, Pose, Hold, Side, Cross, Side rock (on toes), Recover, Cross, Side, Behind, Side
1 2Step right to side, sit down into right hip bending left knee with left heel raised (alternatively you can strike any pose!)
3&4Hold, step left to side, cross right over left
5&6Rock left to left side up on your toes and pointing right to right side, lower back down onto the right, cross left over right
7 8&Step right to side sweeping left back, cross left behind, step right to side
Forward rock (on toes), Recover, Back, ½ R stepping forward, Forward with sweep, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn R stepping forward, Walk, Full Turn L
1 2Rock left to right diagonal up on toes pointing right toe out behind, recover back down onto the right
3&4Step back onto the left, step right forward turning ½ right, step left forward sweeping right round to the front (6.00)
5&6Rock right forward, recover to left, step right forward turning ½ right (12.00)
7 8&Step left forward, full turn left stepping right left (12.00)
Side drag, Back rock, Recover, Side Drag, Back rock, Recover, Step, Heel lift, Back, Back with hitch, Rock behind, Recover
1 2&Step right to side, rock left behind, recover onto right
3 4&Step left to side, rock right behind, recover onto left (restart here wall 2)
5&6Step right forward lift both heels off the floor with bent knees, recover weight on the left, step back onto the right
7 8&Step left back hitching right up and back, cross right behind left, recover onto left
Forward, Pivot ½ R, Step, ¾ Turn L with Hook, Step sweep, Step sweep, Rock, Recover, Back drag
1 2&Step right forward, step left forward ½ pivot right (6.00)
3 4Step left forward, step right slightly to the side and hook the left in turning ¾ left (9.00)
5 6Step left forward sweeping the right round to front, step right forward sweeping the left round to front
7&8Rock left forward, recover onto right, big step back on the left dragging the right toe in
Wall 2: Dance the first 20 counts then Restart the dance again.
Wall 4: At the end of the wall, perform the 4 count tag, then begin wall 5
TAG: ¼ R side step R, ¼ R side step L, ¼ R side step R, ¼ R side step L
1 2Turn ¼ right stepping right to side, turn ¼ right stepping left to side,
3 4turn ¼ right stepping right to side, turn ¼ right stepping left to side
ENDING: Wall 6 ends at 9.00. You can do step turns like the tag to face the front wall and finish
Side, Pose, Hold, Side, Cross, Side rock (on toes), Recover, Cross, Side, Behind, Side
1 2Step right to side, sit down into right hip bending left knee with left heel raised (alternatively you can strike any pose!)
3&4Hold, step left to side, cross right over left
5&6Rock left to left side up on your toes and pointing right to right side, lower back down onto the right, cross left over right
7 8&Step right to side sweeping left back, cross left behind, step right to side
Forward rock (on toes), Recover, Back, ½ R stepping forward, Forward with sweep, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn R stepping forward, Walk, Full Turn L
1 2Rock left to right diagonal up on toes pointing right toe out behind, recover back down onto the right
3&4Step back onto the left, step right forward turning ½ right, step left forward sweeping right round to the front (6.00)
5&6Rock right forward, recover to left, step right forward turning ½ right (12.00)
7 8&Step left forward, full turn left stepping right left (12.00)
Side drag, Back rock, Recover, Side Drag, Back rock, Recover, Step, Heel lift, Back, Back with hitch, Rock behind, Recover
1 2&Step right to side, rock left behind, recover onto right
3 4&Step left to side, rock right behind, recover onto left (restart here wall 2)
5&6Step right forward lift both heels off the floor with bent knees, recover weight on the left, step back onto the right
7 8&Step left back hitching right up and back, cross right behind left, recover onto left
Forward, Pivot ½ R, Step, ¾ Turn L with Hook, Step sweep, Step sweep, Rock, Recover, Back drag
1 2&Step right forward, step left forward ½ pivot right (6.00)
3 4Step left forward, step right slightly to the side and hook the left in turning ¾ left (9.00)
5 6Step left forward sweeping the right round to front, step right forward sweeping the left round to front
7&8Rock left forward, recover onto right, big step back on the left dragging the right toe in
Wall 2: Dance the first 20 counts then Restart the dance again.
Wall 4: At the end of the wall, perform the 4 count tag, then begin wall 5
TAG: ¼ R side step R, ¼ R side step L, ¼ R side step R, ¼ R side step L
1 2Turn ¼ right stepping right to side, turn ¼ right stepping left to side,
3 4turn ¼ right stepping right to side, turn ¼ right stepping left to side
ENDING: Wall 6 ends at 9.00. You can do step turns like the tag to face the front wall and finish