High Beginner
This dance works well alongside the intermediate dance ‘I Need This’ by Lucy Cooper as a split floor, as they have steps in common.
Intro: 16 counts (Start on vocals)
Step forward, touch behind, Step back, Kick, Coaster Step, Stomp, Clap
1 2Step right forward, touch left toe behind
3 4Step back on the left, kick the right forward
5&6Step right behind, step left together, step right forward
7 8Stomp left to left side, clap hands together
Sway, Touch, Sway, Touch, Walk, Walk, Side, Knee pop
1 2Step right to the side swaying the hips right, touch the left to left diagonal (optional click with right fingers)
3 4Step the left to the side swaying the hips left, touch the right to right diagonal (optional click with left fingers)
5 6Walk right forward, walk left forward
7&8Step right to side, raise both heels off the floor popping knees forward, bring heels down (weight on the left)
Crossing toe-strut, Side toe-strut, Rocking chair to diagonal
1 2Cross right toe in front of left, drop the heel
3 4Step left toe to left side, drop the heel
5 6Cross rock right in front of left, recover onto left
7 8Rock right back to right diagonal, recover onto left
Jazz box ¼ turn R, Jazz box ¼ turn R,
1 2Cross right over left, step back on left
3 4Step right to side turning ¼ right, step left forward (3.00)
5 6Cross right over left, step back on left
7 8Step right to side turning ¼ right, step left forward (6.00)
*TAG: at the end of the fourth wall facing 12.00, there is an 8 count tag, then restart the dance
Rock forward, rock side, rock back, rock side
1 2Rock right forward, recover left
3 4Rock right side, recover left
5 6Rock right back, recover left
7 8Rock right side, recover left
Intro: 16 counts (Start on vocals)
Step forward, touch behind, Step back, Kick, Coaster Step, Stomp, Clap
1 2Step right forward, touch left toe behind
3 4Step back on the left, kick the right forward
5&6Step right behind, step left together, step right forward
7 8Stomp left to left side, clap hands together
Sway, Touch, Sway, Touch, Walk, Walk, Side, Knee pop
1 2Step right to the side swaying the hips right, touch the left to left diagonal (optional click with right fingers)
3 4Step the left to the side swaying the hips left, touch the right to right diagonal (optional click with left fingers)
5 6Walk right forward, walk left forward
7&8Step right to side, raise both heels off the floor popping knees forward, bring heels down (weight on the left)
Crossing toe-strut, Side toe-strut, Rocking chair to diagonal
1 2Cross right toe in front of left, drop the heel
3 4Step left toe to left side, drop the heel
5 6Cross rock right in front of left, recover onto left
7 8Rock right back to right diagonal, recover onto left
Jazz box ¼ turn R, Jazz box ¼ turn R,
1 2Cross right over left, step back on left
3 4Step right to side turning ¼ right, step left forward (3.00)
5 6Cross right over left, step back on left
7 8Step right to side turning ¼ right, step left forward (6.00)
*TAG: at the end of the fourth wall facing 12.00, there is an 8 count tag, then restart the dance
Rock forward, rock side, rock back, rock side
1 2Rock right forward, recover left
3 4Rock right side, recover left
5 6Rock right back, recover left
7 8Rock right side, recover left