Intro: Start after 8 counts or start at 0.07 seconds
Sequence of dance : 48 40 48 32 28 48
Section 1 : R Night Club Step, Diagonal L, Full Turn L, Cross Rock Side Rock, R L Back With Sweep
12& 34&Step R to R(1), step L behind R(2), recover on R(&), step L to diagonally L(3)(10.30),½ turn L step R back(4)(4.30), ½ turn L step L forward(&)(10.30)
5&6& 78Cross R over L(5), recover on L(&), 1/8 turn R rock R to R(6)(12.00), recover on L(&), step R back sweep L from front to back(7), step L back sweep R from front to back(8)
Section 2 : R Back With Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Touch, Hold, R Forward, Recover L, R Behind, 3/8 Turn L, R Forward
1 2&3Step R back sweep L from front to back(1), step L behind R(2), step R to R(&), 1/8 turn R cross L over R(3)(1.30)
4 – 7Touch R beside L(4), hold(5), rock R forward(6), recover on L(7)(1.30)
8&1Step R behind L(8), 3/8 turn L step L forward(&)(9.00), step R forward(1)
Section 3 : L Rocking Chair, L Forward, Recover R, 3/8 Turn L, Full Turn L R Forward, Recover L
2&3&Rock L forward(2), recover on R(&), rock L back(3), recover on R(&)
4&5Rock L forward(4), 1/8 turn L recover on R(&)(7.30), 1/4 turn L step L forward(5)(4.30)
6&7 8½ turn L step R back(6)(10.30), ½ turn L step L forward(&)(4.30), step R forward(7), recover on L(8)(4.30)
Section 4 : R Back, Drag L to R, ½ Turn L Kick L, L Forward Shuffle, R Forward Mambo, Touch L Back & Unwind 3/8 Turn L
1 – 3Step R back(1), drag L to R(2), ½ turn L kick L(3)(10.30)
4&5Step L forward(4), step R on ball behind L(&), step L forward(5)(10.30)
6&7 8Rock R forward(6), recover on L(&), rock R back(7), touch L behind R & unwind 3/8 turn L((weight on L)8)(6.00)
Section 5 : Cross Recover Side, Step On Ball LR, L Side, Step On Ball RL, R Side, Cross Recover Side
1&2 3&4Cross R over L(1), recover on L(&), step R to R(2), step L on ball beside R(3), step R on ball beside L(&), step L to L(4)
5&6 7&8Step R on ball beside L(5), step L on ball beside R(&), step R to R(6), cross L over R(7), recover on R(&), step L to L(8)
Section 6 : Rolling Vine To R, L Cross, R Side, L Back With Sweep , Behind side Cross, L Night Club Step
1&2 3&4¼ turn R step R forward(1)(9.00), ½ turn R step L back(&)(3.00), ¼ turn R step R to R(2)(6.00), cross L over R(3), step R to R(&), step L back sweep R from front to back(4)
5&6 78&Step R behind L(5),step L to L(&), cross R over L(6), step L to L(7), rock R back(8), recover on L(&)(6.00)
Contact : mayeeleeyy@gmail.com
Sequence of dance : 48 40 48 32 28 48
Section 1 : R Night Club Step, Diagonal L, Full Turn L, Cross Rock Side Rock, R L Back With Sweep
12& 34&Step R to R(1), step L behind R(2), recover on R(&), step L to diagonally L(3)(10.30),½ turn L step R back(4)(4.30), ½ turn L step L forward(&)(10.30)
5&6& 78Cross R over L(5), recover on L(&), 1/8 turn R rock R to R(6)(12.00), recover on L(&), step R back sweep L from front to back(7), step L back sweep R from front to back(8)
Section 2 : R Back With Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Touch, Hold, R Forward, Recover L, R Behind, 3/8 Turn L, R Forward
1 2&3Step R back sweep L from front to back(1), step L behind R(2), step R to R(&), 1/8 turn R cross L over R(3)(1.30)
4 – 7Touch R beside L(4), hold(5), rock R forward(6), recover on L(7)(1.30)
8&1Step R behind L(8), 3/8 turn L step L forward(&)(9.00), step R forward(1)
Section 3 : L Rocking Chair, L Forward, Recover R, 3/8 Turn L, Full Turn L R Forward, Recover L
2&3&Rock L forward(2), recover on R(&), rock L back(3), recover on R(&)
4&5Rock L forward(4), 1/8 turn L recover on R(&)(7.30), 1/4 turn L step L forward(5)(4.30)
6&7 8½ turn L step R back(6)(10.30), ½ turn L step L forward(&)(4.30), step R forward(7), recover on L(8)(4.30)
Section 4 : R Back, Drag L to R, ½ Turn L Kick L, L Forward Shuffle, R Forward Mambo, Touch L Back & Unwind 3/8 Turn L
1 – 3Step R back(1), drag L to R(2), ½ turn L kick L(3)(10.30)
4&5Step L forward(4), step R on ball behind L(&), step L forward(5)(10.30)
6&7 8Rock R forward(6), recover on L(&), rock R back(7), touch L behind R & unwind 3/8 turn L((weight on L)8)(6.00)
Section 5 : Cross Recover Side, Step On Ball LR, L Side, Step On Ball RL, R Side, Cross Recover Side
1&2 3&4Cross R over L(1), recover on L(&), step R to R(2), step L on ball beside R(3), step R on ball beside L(&), step L to L(4)
5&6 7&8Step R on ball beside L(5), step L on ball beside R(&), step R to R(6), cross L over R(7), recover on R(&), step L to L(8)
Section 6 : Rolling Vine To R, L Cross, R Side, L Back With Sweep , Behind side Cross, L Night Club Step
1&2 3&4¼ turn R step R forward(1)(9.00), ½ turn R step L back(&)(3.00), ¼ turn R step R to R(2)(6.00), cross L over R(3), step R to R(&), step L back sweep R from front to back(4)
5&6 78&Step R behind L(5),step L to L(&), cross R over L(6), step L to L(7), rock R back(8), recover on L(&)(6.00)
Contact : mayeeleeyy@gmail.com