CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Come South of the Border

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Megan Barsuglia (USA) - July 2019
Count-in 16 Count intro
Structure - Restart on 2nd wall after 16 counts and Restart on the 5th after 16 counts

[1-8] R Side Mambo, L Side Mambo, V Step, Step, 1/2 hip Bump Turn 6:00
1 & 2Rock R to right (1), recover L (&), step R together (2) 12:00
3 & 4Rock L to left (3), recover R (&), step L together (4) 12:00
5&6&Step R to right diagonal (5), step L to left diagonal (&), step R back (6), step L together (&) 12:00
7, 8Step R forward (7), 1/2 L turn keeping weight right (8) *styling roll hips from left to right as you turn 6:00

[9-16] L Coaster, R Side Rock, L Recover, L Side Rock, R Recover, L Cross Triple, Hold 6:00
1 & 2Step L back (1), step R together (&), step L forward (2) 6:00
3 & 4Rock R to right (3), recover L (&), cross R over left (4) 6:00
5&6&7, 8Rock L to left (5), recover R (&), cross L over right (6), ball R to right (&), cross L over right (7), hold (8) 6:00
*Restart *Restart the dance after 16 counts on 2nd wall and 5th wall ( facing the 3:00)

[17-24] R Samba Wisk, L Samba Wisk, 3/4 R Volta 3:00
1, 2 &Step R to right (1), rock L slightly behind right (2), recover R (&) 6:00
3, 4 &Step L to left (3), rock R slightly behind left (4), recover L (&) 6:00
5&6&1/4 Right turn step R forward (5), step L slightly behind right (&), 1/8 right turn step R forward (6), step L slightly behind right (&) 10:30
7&81/8 Right turn step R forward (7), step L slightly behind right (&), 1/8 right turn step R forward (8) 3:00

[25-32] L Rock Forward, R Recover, L Side Rock, R Recover, L Behind and Cross, R Side Rock, L Recover, R Step Forward, L Hitch 1/2 Turn - 9:00
1&2&Rock L forward (1), recover R (&), rock L to left (2), recover R (&) 3:00
3&4Cross L behind right (3), step R to right (&), cross L over right (4) 3:00
5&6Rock R to right (5), recover L (&), step R forward (6) 3:00
7,8Hitch L knee (7), touch L back and make 1/2 left turn (8) 9:00

Start the dance and have fun! See you on the dance floor!!!

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