High Beginner
Intro : 24
Restart on W5 after 18 Cts, Tag at the end of W10, Ends after W12
Alternative Music: Valentine’s Waltz by Brandon & Derek Fiechter
Intro 3, No Tag/Restart, Ends after W15
S1 Twinkle, Cross Over, ¼ LT Back, Side
123Rf cross over on 1, Lf rock side on 2, Rf recover on 3
456Lf cross over on 4, ¼ LT Rf back on 5, Lf side on 6, 9h
S2 ½ RT Twinkle, Rock Recover 3/8 LT
123Rf cross over on 1, Lf side on 2, ½ RT Rf side on 3, 3h
456Lf cross over on 4, Rf recover on 5, 3/8 LT Lf side on 6, 1030h
S3 LT Forward, ¼ RT Side, Together, Forward, Forward, Forward, 1/8 LT Together, Diagonal Forward
12&3Rf forward on 1, ¼ RT Lf side on 2, Rf together on &, Lf forward on 3, 130h
45&6Rf forward on 4, Lf forward on 5, 1/8 Rf together, Lf diagonal forward on 6, 12h
Restart here On W5
S4 Forward Together ½ RT Forward, Forward, 1 Full LT
123Rf forward on 1, Lf together on 2, ½ RT Rf forward on 3
456Lf forward on 4, ½ LT Rf back on 4, 1/2 LT Lf forward on 6
Tag Twinkle RL, End of W10
123Rf cross over on 1, Lf side on 2, Rf recover on 3
456Lf cross over on 4, Rf side on 5, Lf recover on 6
Ending At The End of W12, Add 3 Counts of Forward ½ LT Povit
123Rf forward on 1, ½ LT Lf in place on 2, Rf forward to finish on 3
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com
Restart on W5 after 18 Cts, Tag at the end of W10, Ends after W12
Alternative Music: Valentine’s Waltz by Brandon & Derek Fiechter
Intro 3, No Tag/Restart, Ends after W15
S1 Twinkle, Cross Over, ¼ LT Back, Side
123Rf cross over on 1, Lf rock side on 2, Rf recover on 3
456Lf cross over on 4, ¼ LT Rf back on 5, Lf side on 6, 9h
S2 ½ RT Twinkle, Rock Recover 3/8 LT
123Rf cross over on 1, Lf side on 2, ½ RT Rf side on 3, 3h
456Lf cross over on 4, Rf recover on 5, 3/8 LT Lf side on 6, 1030h
S3 LT Forward, ¼ RT Side, Together, Forward, Forward, Forward, 1/8 LT Together, Diagonal Forward
12&3Rf forward on 1, ¼ RT Lf side on 2, Rf together on &, Lf forward on 3, 130h
45&6Rf forward on 4, Lf forward on 5, 1/8 Rf together, Lf diagonal forward on 6, 12h
Restart here On W5
S4 Forward Together ½ RT Forward, Forward, 1 Full LT
123Rf forward on 1, Lf together on 2, ½ RT Rf forward on 3
456Lf forward on 4, ½ LT Rf back on 4, 1/2 LT Lf forward on 6
Tag Twinkle RL, End of W10
123Rf cross over on 1, Lf side on 2, Rf recover on 3
456Lf cross over on 4, Rf side on 5, Lf recover on 6
Ending At The End of W12, Add 3 Counts of Forward ½ LT Povit
123Rf forward on 1, ½ LT Lf in place on 2, Rf forward to finish on 3
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com