CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Call it Out

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Byran R. (USA) - July 2019
Call It Out - Claudia Hoyser
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[1-4] Cross Point, Point, Turning Sailor
1 , 2Point R foot in front of L, Point R foot right [Variation Cross Rock 1 & 2]
3&4Hook R foot behind L foot, (Turning) Step L foot next to R, Step R foot forward facing 4:30

[5-8] Cross & Heel, Hook, Step-Lock-Step
5&6Cross L foot over R, Step R foot next to L, Left heel out facing 3:00
&7&8Hook L foot over R shin, Step L foot forward, Slide R foot behind L foot, Step L foot forward
Restart on wall 16

[9-12] Heel and Stomp, V Step and Cross
&1&2Place weight R foot, L heel out on diagonal, Close L foot, Stomp R foot
&3&4Step R foot to 1:00, Step L foot to 11:00, Step Back to center with R foot, Cross L over R

[13-16] Spiral, Sweep, Pony, Walk x2
5 , 6&Weight on ball of L foot Spiral ½ R sweeping R foot back, Rock back on R foot Hitching L knee, Recover forward on L foot facing 9:00
7 , 8Walk R, Walk L [Variation Full Turn over R Shoulder]

2 評論

Blrj32 July 24, 2019
NOTE: &3&4 Should be facing 3 o'clock. So the V is right foot toward 4:30 Left foot toward 1:00. My apologies

kellie August 24, 2021
Should the full turn variation be to the left? Seems easier after you put the left foot down to turn half turn left with right foot in back then another half with left foot in front. If not, how does that look turning right?

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