**A special thank you to Issy for recommending this track. **
#32 count intro
Cross, rock, chasse 1/4 turn left, 3/4 pivot left, chasse right
1-2.Cross left over right, recover on right
3&4.Left to left, close right to left, turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left
5-6.Step forward on right, 3/4 pivot left transferring weight to left
7&8.Right to right, close left to right, right to right
Cross, turn 1/4 left, rock back, recover, full turn right, lock step forward
1-2.Cross left over right, turn 1/4 left stepping back on right
3-4.Rock back on left (prep for turn), recover on right
5-6.Turn 1/2 right stepping back on left, turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right
7&8.Forward on left, lock right behind left, forward on left
Step diagonally forward on right, bump hips, repeat with left
1-2.Step slightly diagonally forward to right on right and push hips forward then back
3&4.Small shuffle in place as you bump Hips- right, left, right
5-6.Step slightly diagonally forward to left on left and push hips forward then back
7&8.Small shuffle in place as you bump your hips- left, right, left
Rock, recover, triple 3/4 right, cross, side, behind, side, cross
1-2.Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4.Turning 3/4 right - triple step right, left, right
5-6.Cross left over right, right to right
7&8.Left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
** (Restart and step change during wall 2)
Side, recover, cross shuffle, 1/4 right stepping back, 1/4 right stepping to side, samba step
1-2.Rock right to right, recover on left
3&4.Cross right over left, small step to left, cross right over left
5-6.Turn 1/4 right stepping back on left, turn 1/4 right stepping side on right
7&8.Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover on left
Samba step, Rock forward, recover, 2 lock steps back
1&2.Cross right over left, Rock left to left, recover on right
3-4.Rock forward on left, recover on right
*** (Step change and restart here during wall 4)
5&6.Back on left, cross right over left, back on left
7&8.Back on right, cross left over right, back on right
Reverse 1/2 turn left, 1/4 pivot left, cross, sweep, cross shuffle
1-2.Point left toe back, reverse turn 1/2 left transferring weight to left
3-4.Forward on right, pivot 1/4 left transferring weight to left
5-6.Cross right over left, sweep left round from back to front
7&8.Left over right, small step to right, left over right
Side, Rock, close, side, Rock, close, forward Rock, coaster step (finishing slightly diagonal)
1,2&.Rock right to right, recover on left, close right to right
3,4&.Rock left to left, recover on right, close left to right
5-6.Rock forward on right, recover on left
7&8.Back on right, close left to right, forward on right slightly diagonally forward to right (in preparation to start the dance again)
** During wall 2 change steps 7-8 of section 4 to:
7-8.Cross left behind right, right to right
Then restart from the beginning (9 o'clock)
*** During wall 4 change steps 5-8 of section 6 to:
5-6.Stomp left, stomp right (feet apart with weight on right)
7-8.Bump hips left, right
Restart from beginning (12 o'clock)
You will be facing the back - change the coaster step to a 1/2 sailor step to face 12 o'clock, step left to left
#32 count intro
Cross, rock, chasse 1/4 turn left, 3/4 pivot left, chasse right
1-2.Cross left over right, recover on right
3&4.Left to left, close right to left, turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left
5-6.Step forward on right, 3/4 pivot left transferring weight to left
7&8.Right to right, close left to right, right to right
Cross, turn 1/4 left, rock back, recover, full turn right, lock step forward
1-2.Cross left over right, turn 1/4 left stepping back on right
3-4.Rock back on left (prep for turn), recover on right
5-6.Turn 1/2 right stepping back on left, turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right
7&8.Forward on left, lock right behind left, forward on left
Step diagonally forward on right, bump hips, repeat with left
1-2.Step slightly diagonally forward to right on right and push hips forward then back
3&4.Small shuffle in place as you bump Hips- right, left, right
5-6.Step slightly diagonally forward to left on left and push hips forward then back
7&8.Small shuffle in place as you bump your hips- left, right, left
Rock, recover, triple 3/4 right, cross, side, behind, side, cross
1-2.Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4.Turning 3/4 right - triple step right, left, right
5-6.Cross left over right, right to right
7&8.Left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
** (Restart and step change during wall 2)
Side, recover, cross shuffle, 1/4 right stepping back, 1/4 right stepping to side, samba step
1-2.Rock right to right, recover on left
3&4.Cross right over left, small step to left, cross right over left
5-6.Turn 1/4 right stepping back on left, turn 1/4 right stepping side on right
7&8.Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover on left
Samba step, Rock forward, recover, 2 lock steps back
1&2.Cross right over left, Rock left to left, recover on right
3-4.Rock forward on left, recover on right
*** (Step change and restart here during wall 4)
5&6.Back on left, cross right over left, back on left
7&8.Back on right, cross left over right, back on right
Reverse 1/2 turn left, 1/4 pivot left, cross, sweep, cross shuffle
1-2.Point left toe back, reverse turn 1/2 left transferring weight to left
3-4.Forward on right, pivot 1/4 left transferring weight to left
5-6.Cross right over left, sweep left round from back to front
7&8.Left over right, small step to right, left over right
Side, Rock, close, side, Rock, close, forward Rock, coaster step (finishing slightly diagonal)
1,2&.Rock right to right, recover on left, close right to right
3,4&.Rock left to left, recover on right, close left to right
5-6.Rock forward on right, recover on left
7&8.Back on right, close left to right, forward on right slightly diagonally forward to right (in preparation to start the dance again)
** During wall 2 change steps 7-8 of section 4 to:
7-8.Cross left behind right, right to right
Then restart from the beginning (9 o'clock)
*** During wall 4 change steps 5-8 of section 6 to:
5-6.Stomp left, stomp right (feet apart with weight on right)
7-8.Bump hips left, right
Restart from beginning (12 o'clock)
You will be facing the back - change the coaster step to a 1/2 sailor step to face 12 o'clock, step left to left