CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Old Town Road

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Phrased Improver
Terry Daily (USA) - May 2019
Sequence: ABB ABB AB

A: 32 Counts
A1: Step Touches and Hip rolls
1234Step R diagonal fwd and touch L, hip roll clockwise (weight ends on R)
5678Step L diagonal fwd and touch R, hip roll clockwise (weight ends on L)

A2: Fwd Step Touches
1234Step fwd R touch L, step fwd L and touch R
5678Step fwd R touch L, step fwd L and touch R

A3: Step Touch back and Hip Roll
1234Step back diagonal R and touch L, hip roll clockwise
5678Step back diagonal L and touch R, hip roll clockwise

A4: Full Turn Step Hitch (Make It Funky)
1234Step back R and hitch L, ½ turn L step fwd L and hitch R
5678½ turn L by stepping back R and hitch L, step L to L side and touch R
(you can add lasso arms throughout A)

B: 48 counts
B1: Side Behind and Heel and Cross ¼ Turn Coaster and Point
12&3&4Step R to Side 1, step L behind R 2, step down R & present L heel 3, step down L & and cross R over L 4
56&78¼ turn R by stepping back L, step back R, step L together, step fwd R, point L to L side

B2: 2 Sambas Hitch Touch Touch Unwind 1/2
1a2 3a4Cross L over R step down R step L, Cross R over L step down L step R
5678Hitch L knee up and across R Knee 5, Touch L toe to L side 6, touch L toe behind and unwind ½ 7 and step down L 8

B3: Side steps with Body Roll
1234Step R to R side step together L, body roll fwd, start at top and roll down, weight ends up on R (your almost at the L diag)
5678Step L to side step together R, body roll fwd, start at top & roll down, weight ends up on L (your almost at the R diag)

B4: 2 Lock steps, 1/2 turn ¼ turn
1&23&4Stepping fwd R lock L behind R step fwd R, Step fwd L lock R behind L step fwd L
5678Step fwd R ½ turn L step down L step fwd R ¼ turn L and touch L

B5: 2 Turning V Coasters
123&4Step out L and start a ¼ turn R, step out R, coaster back L (you should be turned a 1/4)
567&8Step out R and start a turn ¼ R, step out L coaster back R (you should turned another 1/4)

B6: Diagonal Rock recover behind side cross, Diagonal rock recover back back hitch
123&4Diagonal rock L recover R (or you can do a body roll fwd) step L behind R step R to side cross L over R
(optional full turn on the behind side cross over L shoulder do a triple in place)
567&8&Diagonal rock R and recover L (or you can do a body roll fwd) going back at a diagonal step back RL touch R and hitch R

Have fun!!

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