CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Want To Break Free

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Stafke Peeters (NL) - September 2018
I Want to Break Free - Die Campbells
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Info : Start the dance on the word “Free3

Right step aside, L Next, Shuffle Back, Left Step Aside, R Next, Shuffle Forward,
1,2,3,&,4,1-RF step aside, 2-LF step next to RF, 3-RF step behind, &-LF step next to RF, 4-RF step behind,
5,6,7,&,8,5-LF step aside, 6-RF step next to LF, 7-LF step forward, &-RF step next to LF, 8-LF step forward,

R Heel Fwd, Toe Touch Back, R ¼ step Fwd, L Touch toe, Step, R Back, Coaster Step,
1,2,3,4,1-RF heel forward, 2-RF tap toe back, 3-RFstep forward ¼ turn right, 4-LF tap toe aside,
5,6,7,&,8,5-LF step next to RF, 6-RF step behind, 7-LF step behind, &-RF step next to LF, 8-LF step forward,

Right Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Left Rock, Rescover, Behind Side Cross,
1,2,3,&,4,1-RF rock aside, 2-LF recover, 3-RF cross rear LF, &-LF step aside, 4-RF cross over LF,
5,6,7,&,8,5-LF rock aside, 6-RF recover, 7-LF cross rear RF, &-RF step aside, 8-LF cross over RF,

R Heel Forward, Hook, Heel Forward, Flick Back, Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle,
1,2,3,4,1-RF heel forward, 2-RF cross for left leg, 3-RF heel forward, 4-RF Flick Back,
5,6,7,&,8,5-RF rock aside, 6-LF recover, 7-RF step cross over LF, &-LF step next to RF, 8-RF step cross over LF,

L Heel Forward, Hook, Heel Forward, Flick Back, Rock Recover, Cross Shuffle,
1,2,3,4,1-LF heel forward, 2-LF cross for right leg, 3-LF heel forward, 4-LF flick back,
5,6,7,&,8,5 LF rock aside, 6-RF recover, 7-LF step cross over RF, &-RF step next to LF, 8-LF step cross over RF,

Heel Gravel ¼ Turn, Rock Back, Recover, X2,
1,2,3,4,1-RF heel Fwd, toe from L to R ¼ turn right (6:00) 2-LF recover, step back, 3-RF rock rear, 4 LF recover,
5,6,7,8,5-RF heel Fwd, toe from L to R ¼ turn right (9:00) 6-LF recover, step back, 7-RF rock rear, 8-LF recover

Start Again

TAG: end 1ste wall: 6 count (9:00)
1,2,3,4,5,6,1-RF out, 2-LF out, 3-RF in, 4-LF in, 5-RF tap toe next LF, 6- hold and wait fort he music

End of wall 3 (3:00) Add one count, R toe tap next to LF hold and wait for the music

Restart: 5the Wall (3:00)
Dance to tel 5 of the 2nd block hold and wait fort he music, then start again

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