Section 1 : Vine Right, Step diagonal back touch, back touch
1 – 4Step R to right side, cross L behind, Step R to side, touch L
5 – 6Step diagonally back on L, touch R
7 – 8Step diagonally back on R, touch L
Section 2 : Vine Left, brush, Rocking Chair
1 – 4Step L to left side, cross R behind, Step L to side, Brush R fwd
5 – 8Rock fwd onto R, recover on L, Rock back on R, recover on L
Section 3 : Step ¼ pivot, Cross Strut, Stomp L to side, Swivel R foot tog
1 – 4Step fwd on R, pivot ¼ turn to left, Cross R toe, heel over left
5 – 8Stomp L to left side, bring R foot towards left by swivelling foot heel, toe, heel (keep weight on left)
Section 4 : Step Diagonal back, touch, (x2), Rock back rec. Stomp stomp
1 – 2Step R diagonally back touch L toe to right foot
3 – 4Step L diagonally back touch R toe to right foot
5 - 8Rock back on R, recover on Left, Stomp R, Stomp L
Begin again - No Tags Or Restarts
E-mail : hmgronow@yahoo.co.uk
FB : Burning Boots Linedancers
1 – 4Step R to right side, cross L behind, Step R to side, touch L
5 – 6Step diagonally back on L, touch R
7 – 8Step diagonally back on R, touch L
Section 2 : Vine Left, brush, Rocking Chair
1 – 4Step L to left side, cross R behind, Step L to side, Brush R fwd
5 – 8Rock fwd onto R, recover on L, Rock back on R, recover on L
Section 3 : Step ¼ pivot, Cross Strut, Stomp L to side, Swivel R foot tog
1 – 4Step fwd on R, pivot ¼ turn to left, Cross R toe, heel over left
5 – 8Stomp L to left side, bring R foot towards left by swivelling foot heel, toe, heel (keep weight on left)
Section 4 : Step Diagonal back, touch, (x2), Rock back rec. Stomp stomp
1 – 2Step R diagonally back touch L toe to right foot
3 – 4Step L diagonally back touch R toe to right foot
5 - 8Rock back on R, recover on Left, Stomp R, Stomp L
Begin again - No Tags Or Restarts
E-mail : hmgronow@yahoo.co.uk
FB : Burning Boots Linedancers