Intro: 24 counts, start on first heavy beat with lyrics “I didn’t even” (17 sec. into track)
[1 – 8] Hip Roll/Side Rock, Chasse, Side Rock, ¼ L Sailor
1, 2Roll hip CCW starting and end weight on L (1-2), or Rock R to right side and recover L (1-2) 12:00
3&4Step R to right side (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to right side (4) 12:00
5, 6Rock L to left side (5), Recover R (6) 12:00
7&8Step L behind R (7), ¼ Turn L to right side (&), Step L fw (8) 9:00
[9 – 16] Step, Kick, Coaster, Out, Out, Back, Lock
1, 2, 3&4Step R fw (1), Kick L fw (2), Step L back (3), Step R next to L (&), Step L fw (4) 9:00
5 - 8Step R fw to right diag. (5), Step L fw to left diag. (6), Step R back (7), Lock L over R (8) 9:00
[17- 24] Back-Lock-Back (2x), ½ R, Step, Pivot ¼ R, Cross
1&2Step R back (1), Lock L over R (&), Step R back (2) 9:00
3&4Step L back (3), Lock R over L (&), Step L back (4) 9:00
5 - 8½ Turn right step R fw (5), Step L fw (6), Pivot ¼ turn right weight on R (7), Cross L over R (8) 6:00
[25 – 32] Side, Hold, Together, Side, ½ Hinge L Hitch, Side, Hold, Wide Hip Roll
1, 2&3Step R to right side (1), Hold (2), Step L next to R (&), Step R to right side (prep) (3) 6:00
4 - 6½ Hinge turn left on R hitching L (4), Step L to left side (5), Hold (6) 12:00
7 - 8Wide hip roll CCW starting and end weight on L (7-8) 12:00
*Tag and Restart here on Walls 3 & 4
[33 – 40] Rock, Coaster, Step, Pivot ½ R, Step-Lock-Step
1, 2, 3&4Rock R fw (1), Recover L (2), Step R back (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R fw (4) 12:00
5, 6, 7&8Step L fw (5), Pivot ½ turn right weight on R (6), Step L fw (7), Lock R behind L (&), Step L fw (8) 6:00
[41 – 48] Stomp R L, Hold, Heel Swivel, Back-Lock-Back, Back Rock
1, 2, 3&4Stomp R fw (1), Stomp L fw (2), Hold (3), Swivel heels left (&), Swivel heels center weight on R (4) 6:00
5&6, 7, 8Step L back (5), Lock R over L (&), Step L back (6), Rock R back (7), Recover L (8) 6:00
Tag: At the end of Wall 1 & 2 do the tag twice; After 32 counts on Wall 3 & 4 do the tag once then restart. Dance ends after Tag on Wall 4 at 12:00.
[1 – 8] ¾ L Arc Turn (Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle)
1, 2, 3&4Step R fw (1), Step L fw (2), Shuffle R L R (3&4) Make 3/8 left arc turn as you walk and shuffle 1:30
5, 6, 7&8Step L fw (5), Step R fw (6), Shuffle L R L (7&8) Make 3/8 left arc turn as you walk and shuffle 9:00
[9 – 16] Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, Behind, ¼ R, Step
1, 2, 3&4Rock R fw (1), Recover L (2), Step R behind L (3), Step L to left side (&), Cross R over L (4)
Optional Styling: Throw arms up on count 1 with lyrics “Freedom” 9:00
5, 6, 7&8Rock L to left side (5), Recover R (6), Step L behind R (7), ¼ Turn right step R fw (&), Step L fw (8)
Optional Styling: Throw arms out to sides on count 5 with lyrics “Freedom” 12:00
Sequence: 48, Tagx2, 48, Tagx2, 32, Tag, 32, Tag
Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail.com - www.JuliaWetzel.com
[1 – 8] Hip Roll/Side Rock, Chasse, Side Rock, ¼ L Sailor
1, 2Roll hip CCW starting and end weight on L (1-2), or Rock R to right side and recover L (1-2) 12:00
3&4Step R to right side (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R to right side (4) 12:00
5, 6Rock L to left side (5), Recover R (6) 12:00
7&8Step L behind R (7), ¼ Turn L to right side (&), Step L fw (8) 9:00
[9 – 16] Step, Kick, Coaster, Out, Out, Back, Lock
1, 2, 3&4Step R fw (1), Kick L fw (2), Step L back (3), Step R next to L (&), Step L fw (4) 9:00
5 - 8Step R fw to right diag. (5), Step L fw to left diag. (6), Step R back (7), Lock L over R (8) 9:00
[17- 24] Back-Lock-Back (2x), ½ R, Step, Pivot ¼ R, Cross
1&2Step R back (1), Lock L over R (&), Step R back (2) 9:00
3&4Step L back (3), Lock R over L (&), Step L back (4) 9:00
5 - 8½ Turn right step R fw (5), Step L fw (6), Pivot ¼ turn right weight on R (7), Cross L over R (8) 6:00
[25 – 32] Side, Hold, Together, Side, ½ Hinge L Hitch, Side, Hold, Wide Hip Roll
1, 2&3Step R to right side (1), Hold (2), Step L next to R (&), Step R to right side (prep) (3) 6:00
4 - 6½ Hinge turn left on R hitching L (4), Step L to left side (5), Hold (6) 12:00
7 - 8Wide hip roll CCW starting and end weight on L (7-8) 12:00
*Tag and Restart here on Walls 3 & 4
[33 – 40] Rock, Coaster, Step, Pivot ½ R, Step-Lock-Step
1, 2, 3&4Rock R fw (1), Recover L (2), Step R back (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R fw (4) 12:00
5, 6, 7&8Step L fw (5), Pivot ½ turn right weight on R (6), Step L fw (7), Lock R behind L (&), Step L fw (8) 6:00
[41 – 48] Stomp R L, Hold, Heel Swivel, Back-Lock-Back, Back Rock
1, 2, 3&4Stomp R fw (1), Stomp L fw (2), Hold (3), Swivel heels left (&), Swivel heels center weight on R (4) 6:00
5&6, 7, 8Step L back (5), Lock R over L (&), Step L back (6), Rock R back (7), Recover L (8) 6:00
Tag: At the end of Wall 1 & 2 do the tag twice; After 32 counts on Wall 3 & 4 do the tag once then restart. Dance ends after Tag on Wall 4 at 12:00.
[1 – 8] ¾ L Arc Turn (Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Walk, Walk, Shuffle)
1, 2, 3&4Step R fw (1), Step L fw (2), Shuffle R L R (3&4) Make 3/8 left arc turn as you walk and shuffle 1:30
5, 6, 7&8Step L fw (5), Step R fw (6), Shuffle L R L (7&8) Make 3/8 left arc turn as you walk and shuffle 9:00
[9 – 16] Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, Behind, ¼ R, Step
1, 2, 3&4Rock R fw (1), Recover L (2), Step R behind L (3), Step L to left side (&), Cross R over L (4)
Optional Styling: Throw arms up on count 1 with lyrics “Freedom” 9:00
5, 6, 7&8Rock L to left side (5), Recover R (6), Step L behind R (7), ¼ Turn right step R fw (&), Step L fw (8)
Optional Styling: Throw arms out to sides on count 5 with lyrics “Freedom” 12:00
Sequence: 48, Tagx2, 48, Tagx2, 32, Tag, 32, Tag
Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail.com - www.JuliaWetzel.com