#32 Count Intro, Start When He Sing’s That Dress. *R/S/W5 + C/O/S
S1 L Toe Strut, R Toe Strut, Rocking Chair
1.2Touch L toe forward, Drop L heal 12
3.4Touch R toe forward, Drop R heal 12
5.6Rock forward on L, Recover on R 12
7.8Rock back on L, Recover on R 12
S2 Step Pivot 1/2 R, Step Brush, Step Brush, Step Together
1.2Step forward L, Pivot 1/2 R (weight on R) 6
3.4Step forward L, Brush R through 6
5.6Step forward R, Brush L through 6
7.8Step forward L, Bring R to L (weight on R) 6
S3 Point Out In, Point Out In, Montery 1/4 R, Point Out Flick
1.2Point L out to L, Bring L to R 6
3.4Point R out to R, Bring R to L 6
5.6Ball of R, Point L out to 1/4 R, Bring L to R 9
7.8Point R out to R, Flick R behind L 9
S4 Chasse R, Rock Back Replace, Chasse L, Rock Back Replace
1&2Step R to R, Bring L to R, Step R to R 9
3.4Rock L behind R, Recover on R 9
5&6Step L to L, Bring R to L, Step L to L 9
7.8Rock R behind L, Recover on L 9
S5 Kick Ball Change x 2 Pivot 1/2 L, Pivot 1/4 L
1&2R kick ball change 9
3&4R kick ball change 9
5.6Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 L (weight on L) 3
7.8Step forward R, Pivot 1/4 L (weight on L) 12
S6 L Figure 8
1.2Cross R over L, Step L to L 12
3.4Cross R behind L, 1/4 L step on L 9
5.6Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 L 3
7.81/4 R step R to R, Cross L behind R 12
*R/S/W5 + C/O/S
S7 Shuffle 1/4 R, Pivot 1/2 R, Shuffle Forward, Pivot 1/2 L
1&21/4 R step R, Bring L to R, Step R 3
3.4Step forward L, Pivot 1/2 R (weight on R) 9
5&6Shuffle forward L, L.R.L 9
7.8Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 L (weight on L) 3
S8 Rocking Chair, Jazz Box 1/4 R Touch
1.2Rock forward R, Recover on L 3
3.4Rock back on R, Recover on L 3
5.6Cross R over L, 1/4 R step back on L 6
7.8Step R to R, Touch L to R (no weight on L) 6
Wall 5 Restart + Change Of Step
Dance up to & including count 7 on section 6. Count 8 becomes slide L to R, restart the dance from count 1
Thank you for taking the time to look at the dance.
Contact: peterdavenport1927@gmail.com
S1 L Toe Strut, R Toe Strut, Rocking Chair
1.2Touch L toe forward, Drop L heal 12
3.4Touch R toe forward, Drop R heal 12
5.6Rock forward on L, Recover on R 12
7.8Rock back on L, Recover on R 12
S2 Step Pivot 1/2 R, Step Brush, Step Brush, Step Together
1.2Step forward L, Pivot 1/2 R (weight on R) 6
3.4Step forward L, Brush R through 6
5.6Step forward R, Brush L through 6
7.8Step forward L, Bring R to L (weight on R) 6
S3 Point Out In, Point Out In, Montery 1/4 R, Point Out Flick
1.2Point L out to L, Bring L to R 6
3.4Point R out to R, Bring R to L 6
5.6Ball of R, Point L out to 1/4 R, Bring L to R 9
7.8Point R out to R, Flick R behind L 9
S4 Chasse R, Rock Back Replace, Chasse L, Rock Back Replace
1&2Step R to R, Bring L to R, Step R to R 9
3.4Rock L behind R, Recover on R 9
5&6Step L to L, Bring R to L, Step L to L 9
7.8Rock R behind L, Recover on L 9
S5 Kick Ball Change x 2 Pivot 1/2 L, Pivot 1/4 L
1&2R kick ball change 9
3&4R kick ball change 9
5.6Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 L (weight on L) 3
7.8Step forward R, Pivot 1/4 L (weight on L) 12
S6 L Figure 8
1.2Cross R over L, Step L to L 12
3.4Cross R behind L, 1/4 L step on L 9
5.6Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 L 3
7.81/4 R step R to R, Cross L behind R 12
*R/S/W5 + C/O/S
S7 Shuffle 1/4 R, Pivot 1/2 R, Shuffle Forward, Pivot 1/2 L
1&21/4 R step R, Bring L to R, Step R 3
3.4Step forward L, Pivot 1/2 R (weight on R) 9
5&6Shuffle forward L, L.R.L 9
7.8Step forward R, Pivot 1/2 L (weight on L) 3
S8 Rocking Chair, Jazz Box 1/4 R Touch
1.2Rock forward R, Recover on L 3
3.4Rock back on R, Recover on L 3
5.6Cross R over L, 1/4 R step back on L 6
7.8Step R to R, Touch L to R (no weight on L) 6
Wall 5 Restart + Change Of Step
Dance up to & including count 7 on section 6. Count 8 becomes slide L to R, restart the dance from count 1
Thank you for taking the time to look at the dance.
Contact: peterdavenport1927@gmail.com