This is for my mam who danced many times to this song in her youth – when her memory was strong and alert.
Sadly now she doesn’t remember…..
#16 count intro – start on vocals
Section 1: Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Vine with Cross
1-2Step R toes to R side. Step down on R heel
3-4Cross L toes over R. Step down on L heel
5-6Step R to R side. Cross L behind R
7-8Step R to R side. Cross L over R.
Section 2: Side Rock, Rock Back, ¼ Mambo R, Cross
1-2Rock R to R side. Recover onto L
3-4Rock back on R. Recover onto L
5-6Rock forward on R. Recover onto L
7-8¼ turn R. Step R to R side. Cross L over R - 3.00
Section 3: Rumba Box Forward, Touch, Rumba Box Back, Hook
1-2Step R to R side. Step L beside R.
3-4Step forward on R. Touch L beside R
5-6Step L to L side. Step R beside L
7-8Step back on L. Hook R in front of L
Section 4: Forward Lockstep, Rock Forward, ¼ Turn L, Side, Tog, ¼ Turn L, Step
1,2,3Step forward on R. Lock L behind R. Step forward on R
4,5,6Rock forward on L. Recover onto R. ¼ turn L. Step L to L side. - 12.00
7-8Close R beside L. ¼ turn L. Step forward on L - 9.00
Tag: (Very easy to hear after the ‘Doo, doo ….’)
1-4Step R to R side. Bumps hips R-L-R-L
At the end of Walls,
1(facing 9.00),
3(facing 3.00)
5(facing 9.00)
Contact; 07957477427 or Sadiah.heggernes@outlook.com
Sadly now she doesn’t remember…..
#16 count intro – start on vocals
Section 1: Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Vine with Cross
1-2Step R toes to R side. Step down on R heel
3-4Cross L toes over R. Step down on L heel
5-6Step R to R side. Cross L behind R
7-8Step R to R side. Cross L over R.
Section 2: Side Rock, Rock Back, ¼ Mambo R, Cross
1-2Rock R to R side. Recover onto L
3-4Rock back on R. Recover onto L
5-6Rock forward on R. Recover onto L
7-8¼ turn R. Step R to R side. Cross L over R - 3.00
Section 3: Rumba Box Forward, Touch, Rumba Box Back, Hook
1-2Step R to R side. Step L beside R.
3-4Step forward on R. Touch L beside R
5-6Step L to L side. Step R beside L
7-8Step back on L. Hook R in front of L
Section 4: Forward Lockstep, Rock Forward, ¼ Turn L, Side, Tog, ¼ Turn L, Step
1,2,3Step forward on R. Lock L behind R. Step forward on R
4,5,6Rock forward on L. Recover onto R. ¼ turn L. Step L to L side. - 12.00
7-8Close R beside L. ¼ turn L. Step forward on L - 9.00
Tag: (Very easy to hear after the ‘Doo, doo ….’)
1-4Step R to R side. Bumps hips R-L-R-L
At the end of Walls,
1(facing 9.00),
3(facing 3.00)
5(facing 9.00)
Contact; 07957477427 or Sadiah.heggernes@outlook.com