Intro:- 16 counts
Section 1: R cross rock, rec, side shuffle 1/4 R, L pivot 1/2 R, L shuffle forward
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover L
3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, make 1/4 R stepping forward R
5-6Step forward L, make 1/2 R stepping forward R
7&8Step forward L, step R next to L, step forward L
Section 2: R forward rock, rec, & touch & touch, R side, behind, side rock, rec
1-2Rock forward R, recover L
&3&4Step R back to R diagonal, touch L next to R, step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
5-6-7-8Step R to R side, step L behind R, rock R to R side, recover L
Section 3: R behind, side, walk R L, R forward rock, rec, R side rock, rec
1-2-3-4Step R behind L, step L to L side, walk forward R - L
5-6-7-8Rock forward R, recover L, rock R to R side, recover L
Section 4: R jazz box 3/4 R, touch, step back L, R hook, walk R L
1-2Cross R over L, make 1/4 R stepping back L
3-4Make 1/2 R stepping forward R, touch L next to R
5-6-7-8Step back L, hook R heel across L, walk forward R - L
Restart:- During wall 5 dance up to section 3 then dance the following step change to restart facing 6 O'Clock
1-2-3-4Step R behind L, make 1/4 L stepping L, walk forward R - L
CONTACT US:- stephen-edward-mckenna@sky.com
Section 1: R cross rock, rec, side shuffle 1/4 R, L pivot 1/2 R, L shuffle forward
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover L
3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, make 1/4 R stepping forward R
5-6Step forward L, make 1/2 R stepping forward R
7&8Step forward L, step R next to L, step forward L
Section 2: R forward rock, rec, & touch & touch, R side, behind, side rock, rec
1-2Rock forward R, recover L
&3&4Step R back to R diagonal, touch L next to R, step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
5-6-7-8Step R to R side, step L behind R, rock R to R side, recover L
Section 3: R behind, side, walk R L, R forward rock, rec, R side rock, rec
1-2-3-4Step R behind L, step L to L side, walk forward R - L
5-6-7-8Rock forward R, recover L, rock R to R side, recover L
Section 4: R jazz box 3/4 R, touch, step back L, R hook, walk R L
1-2Cross R over L, make 1/4 R stepping back L
3-4Make 1/2 R stepping forward R, touch L next to R
5-6-7-8Step back L, hook R heel across L, walk forward R - L
Restart:- During wall 5 dance up to section 3 then dance the following step change to restart facing 6 O'Clock
1-2-3-4Step R behind L, make 1/4 L stepping L, walk forward R - L
CONTACT US:- stephen-edward-mckenna@sky.com