[1st 8 count] Right Syncopated weave & Right night club step
1 & 2Right foot out, left foot behind, right foot out
3 4Left Cross over right foot and step in front
5,6,7Step out to the right with the right foot, slide left foot behind and transfer weight to left on 7 count
& 8Right foot cross over left and land on 8 count
[ 2nd 8 Count, 9-16 ] Left syncopated weave & Left night club step
1 & 2Left foot out, right foot behind, left foot out
3 4Right Cross over left foot and step in front
5,6,7Step out to the left with the left foot, slide right foot behind and transfer weight to right on 7 count
& 8Left foot cross over right and land on 8 count (prepare for ¼ turn to 3 o’clock wall)
[ 3rd 8 Count, 17-24 ] Clockwise ¼ turn into Right toe heel stomp, Left toe heel stomp
1234Make clockwise turn to your right and, touch Right toe, heel, stomp, hold
5678Left toe, heel, stomp, hold
[ 4th 8 Count, 25-32 ] Right Lockstep, Left Lock step
1234Step Right, slide left foot behind right heel and step right foot forward
5678Step Left, slide right foot behind left heel and step left foot forward
[ 5th 8 Count, 33-40 ] Jazz box ¼ turn to the right
12, 34Right cross over left, hold, then left foot steps behind starting ¼ turn clockwise to back wall
56, 78Step right foot down under right hip, Step Left foot down under left hip transferring weight to left
[ 6th 8 Count, 40-48 ] Heel swivels alternating during ¼ Turn clockwise to face 9 o’clock wall
1, 2Right heel swivel in and return
3, 4Left heel swivel in and return
5, 6Right heel swivel in and return
7, 8Left heel swivel in and return
Repeat dance. Each time you will be starting the dance one wall to the left of your last start.
No Tags. Enjoy the dance! Comments appreciated. Cowboy Steve is available for dance workshops and guest
Choreographer invitations; please email to: cowboystevelinedance@gmail.com
I hope you enjoy this dance and song as much as I do. Thank You for your feedback!
1 & 2Right foot out, left foot behind, right foot out
3 4Left Cross over right foot and step in front
5,6,7Step out to the right with the right foot, slide left foot behind and transfer weight to left on 7 count
& 8Right foot cross over left and land on 8 count
[ 2nd 8 Count, 9-16 ] Left syncopated weave & Left night club step
1 & 2Left foot out, right foot behind, left foot out
3 4Right Cross over left foot and step in front
5,6,7Step out to the left with the left foot, slide right foot behind and transfer weight to right on 7 count
& 8Left foot cross over right and land on 8 count (prepare for ¼ turn to 3 o’clock wall)
[ 3rd 8 Count, 17-24 ] Clockwise ¼ turn into Right toe heel stomp, Left toe heel stomp
1234Make clockwise turn to your right and, touch Right toe, heel, stomp, hold
5678Left toe, heel, stomp, hold
[ 4th 8 Count, 25-32 ] Right Lockstep, Left Lock step
1234Step Right, slide left foot behind right heel and step right foot forward
5678Step Left, slide right foot behind left heel and step left foot forward
[ 5th 8 Count, 33-40 ] Jazz box ¼ turn to the right
12, 34Right cross over left, hold, then left foot steps behind starting ¼ turn clockwise to back wall
56, 78Step right foot down under right hip, Step Left foot down under left hip transferring weight to left
[ 6th 8 Count, 40-48 ] Heel swivels alternating during ¼ Turn clockwise to face 9 o’clock wall
1, 2Right heel swivel in and return
3, 4Left heel swivel in and return
5, 6Right heel swivel in and return
7, 8Left heel swivel in and return
Repeat dance. Each time you will be starting the dance one wall to the left of your last start.
No Tags. Enjoy the dance! Comments appreciated. Cowboy Steve is available for dance workshops and guest
Choreographer invitations; please email to: cowboystevelinedance@gmail.com
I hope you enjoy this dance and song as much as I do. Thank You for your feedback!