CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wrong Side of Sober

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Andrina K Faulds (SCO) - February 2019
The Wrong Side of Sober - Derek Ryan
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Walls 2 (but you dance to all 4)
Count in: 32

Section 1: Walk forward right and left, shuffle right ½ turn right, left forward touch step back kick behind side cross.
1-2Step forward right (1), step forward left (2)
3&4Step forward on right foot making ¼ right (3), close left foot besides right (&), step forward on right foot making ¼ right (4)
5&6Step left foot forward (5), touch right foot behind left (&), step ack right foot, kick left foot forward (&)
7&8Left foot behind right (7), step right foot to right side (&), left foot in front of right (*)

Section 2: Right side together forward, left shuffle ¼ left, right side together forward, left step ½ turn right and step forward
1&2Step right to right side (1), step left next to right (&), step right foot forward (2)
3&4Step forward on left foot making ¼ left (3), close right foot besides left (&), step forward on left foot (4)
5&6Step right to right side (1), step left next to right (&), step right foot forward (2)
7&8Step left foot forward and make ½ right (7), step weight back on to right foot (&), step forward left (8)

Section 3: Right shuffle forward, left forward touch step back, left coaster step, step right ¼ left
1&2Step forward on right foot (1), close left foot besides right (&), step forward on right foot (2)
3&4Step left foot forward (3), touch right foot behind left (&), step ack right foot (4)
5&6Step back on left foot (5), step right foot next to left (&), step forward on left foot (6)
7-8Step forward right and make ¼ turn left (7), step weight back on to left foot

Section 4: Right cross and heel, left cross and heel and, toe stands out and step back together, step back right and left together
1&2&Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (&), tap right heel to right diagonal (2), step right in place (&)
3&4&Cross left over right (3), step right to right side (&), tap left heel to left diagonal (4), step left in place (&)
5&6&Step right toe to right diagonal (5), Step left toe to left diagonal (&), step back right in place (6), step back left in place (&)
7&8Step back right (7), step back left (8)

Restarts –
wall 3 – Start the dance facing 12 o’clock and will restart at the end of section 2 facing 9 o’clock
wall 6 – Start the dance facing 9 o’clock and will restart at the end of section 2 facing 12 o’clock

Ending – Dance will finish on the back wall and dance until the end of section 1 shuffling to the front


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