#28 count intro, start on vocals
Side Triple Right, Rock Step, Side Triple Left, Rock Step
1&2Side R, together L, side R
3-4Rock back L, replace R
5&6Side L, together R, side L
7-8Rock back R, replace L
Kick Ball Change R x2, Triple Forward R, ¼ turn Triple Forward L
1&2Turning diagonal right, Kick forward R, Step R next to L, Step L next to R (1:30)
3&4Kick forward R, Step R next to L, Step L next to R (1:30)
(Restart here on wall 3, you will be facing the front wall)
5&6Step forward R, step together L, step forward R (1:30)
7&8Turn ¼ left, then step forward L, step together R, step forward L (10:30)
Side Rock, Crossing Triple, Side Rock, ¼ Turning Sailor Step
1-2Rock side R, turn slightly left, replace L (9:00)
3&4Cross R over L, Step side L, Cross R over L (9:00)
5-6Rock side L, replace R
7&8Step L behind R, turn ¼ left and step side R, step forward L (6:00)
Rock Step, Triple ½ Turn, Rock Step, Triple ½ Turn
1-2Rock forward R, replace L
3&4Turn ¼ right and step side R, step together L, turn ¼ right and step forward R (12:00)
5-6Rock forward L, replace R
7&8Turn ¼ left and step side L, step together R, turn ¼ left and step forward L (6:00)
(Non-turning option for this section, Rock step, Coaster step, Rock Step, Coaster step)
Restart: on wall 3 on the front wall, Restart the dance from the beginning after the two Kick Ball Changes. Dance through for the rest of the song, will end on the front wall.
Steve Lustgraaf - email: dncntime@aol.com
Side Triple Right, Rock Step, Side Triple Left, Rock Step
1&2Side R, together L, side R
3-4Rock back L, replace R
5&6Side L, together R, side L
7-8Rock back R, replace L
Kick Ball Change R x2, Triple Forward R, ¼ turn Triple Forward L
1&2Turning diagonal right, Kick forward R, Step R next to L, Step L next to R (1:30)
3&4Kick forward R, Step R next to L, Step L next to R (1:30)
(Restart here on wall 3, you will be facing the front wall)
5&6Step forward R, step together L, step forward R (1:30)
7&8Turn ¼ left, then step forward L, step together R, step forward L (10:30)
Side Rock, Crossing Triple, Side Rock, ¼ Turning Sailor Step
1-2Rock side R, turn slightly left, replace L (9:00)
3&4Cross R over L, Step side L, Cross R over L (9:00)
5-6Rock side L, replace R
7&8Step L behind R, turn ¼ left and step side R, step forward L (6:00)
Rock Step, Triple ½ Turn, Rock Step, Triple ½ Turn
1-2Rock forward R, replace L
3&4Turn ¼ right and step side R, step together L, turn ¼ right and step forward R (12:00)
5-6Rock forward L, replace R
7&8Turn ¼ left and step side L, step together R, turn ¼ left and step forward L (6:00)
(Non-turning option for this section, Rock step, Coaster step, Rock Step, Coaster step)
Restart: on wall 3 on the front wall, Restart the dance from the beginning after the two Kick Ball Changes. Dance through for the rest of the song, will end on the front wall.
Steve Lustgraaf - email: dncntime@aol.com