Intro – 40 counts, start on lyrics - No Tags Or Restarts
Toe Struts forward (4x)
1-2Step right toe forward, drop heel
3-4Step left toe forward, drop heel
5-6Step right toe forward, drop heel
7-8Step left toe forward, drop heel
Right and left scissor steps with hold
1-4Rock out to right side, recover to left, cross right over left, hold
5-8Rock out to right side, recover to left, cross right over left, hold
Right vine with ¼ turn, left vine with touch
1-2Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right
3-4Step right foot to right with ¼ turn, touch left foot next to right
5-8Step left foot to left, right foot behind left, step left foot to left, touch right next to left
Two ¼ turns to left, V step
1-2Step right foot forward, turn ¼ to left
3-4Step right foot forward, turn ¼ to left
5-6Step right foot forward on right diagonal, step left forward on left diagonal
7-8Step right foot home, step left foot home
Begin again
Toe Struts forward (4x)
1-2Step right toe forward, drop heel
3-4Step left toe forward, drop heel
5-6Step right toe forward, drop heel
7-8Step left toe forward, drop heel
Right and left scissor steps with hold
1-4Rock out to right side, recover to left, cross right over left, hold
5-8Rock out to right side, recover to left, cross right over left, hold
Right vine with ¼ turn, left vine with touch
1-2Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right
3-4Step right foot to right with ¼ turn, touch left foot next to right
5-8Step left foot to left, right foot behind left, step left foot to left, touch right next to left
Two ¼ turns to left, V step
1-2Step right foot forward, turn ¼ to left
3-4Step right foot forward, turn ¼ to left
5-6Step right foot forward on right diagonal, step left forward on left diagonal
7-8Step right foot home, step left foot home
Begin again