(Featuring the Vine Dig*--a brand new step)
Intro 16 counts
Right Vine Dig, Left Vine Dig:
1 – 8Step right foot right, dig left heel, step left foot behind right, dig right heel, step right foot right, dig left heel, touch left foot next to right, dig left heel
9 – 16Step left foot left, dig right heel, step right foot behind left, dig left heel, step left foot left, dig right heel, touch right foot next to left, dig right heel
Shuffle forward diagonal right, brush step, shuffle forward diagonal left, brush step:
17 – 20Step right foot forward on diagonal, slide left foot next to right, slide right foot forward on diagonal, brush left foot
21 – 24Step left foot forward on diagonal, slide right foot next to left, slide left foot forward on diagonal, brush right foot next to left
Turning jazz box (1/4 turn right), right heel dig, left heel dig:
25 – 28Cross right foot over left, step left foot back, step right foot parallel to left foot while making a 1/4 turn to the right, touch left foot next to right
29 – 32Dig right heel, touch right foot next to left, dig left heel, touch left foot next to right
*Choreographers note: I created the Vine Dig, which is a Grapevine with a heel dig added after every step of the vine, to better replicate the feel of a stroll.
Contact: rebeckaderrlinedancing@gmail.com
Intro 16 counts
Right Vine Dig, Left Vine Dig:
1 – 8Step right foot right, dig left heel, step left foot behind right, dig right heel, step right foot right, dig left heel, touch left foot next to right, dig left heel
9 – 16Step left foot left, dig right heel, step right foot behind left, dig left heel, step left foot left, dig right heel, touch right foot next to left, dig right heel
Shuffle forward diagonal right, brush step, shuffle forward diagonal left, brush step:
17 – 20Step right foot forward on diagonal, slide left foot next to right, slide right foot forward on diagonal, brush left foot
21 – 24Step left foot forward on diagonal, slide right foot next to left, slide left foot forward on diagonal, brush right foot next to left
Turning jazz box (1/4 turn right), right heel dig, left heel dig:
25 – 28Cross right foot over left, step left foot back, step right foot parallel to left foot while making a 1/4 turn to the right, touch left foot next to right
29 – 32Dig right heel, touch right foot next to left, dig left heel, touch left foot next to right
*Choreographers note: I created the Vine Dig, which is a Grapevine with a heel dig added after every step of the vine, to better replicate the feel of a stroll.
Contact: rebeckaderrlinedancing@gmail.com