CopperKnob Stepsheets

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She Don't Know She's Beautiful

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High Improver
Andrina K Faulds (SCO) - January 2019
She Don't Know She's Beautiful - Nathan Carter
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Count in: 32

Section 1: Right cross left side, right sailor step with heal, left touch and heal, left cross shuffle
1-2Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (2)
3&4Step right foot behind left foot (3), step left to left side (&), step right foot in place with heal dig (4)
&5&6Put weight down on right foot (&), tough left toe behind right heal (5), step back left foot (&), dig right heal forward again (6)
&7&8Step right foot next to left (&), cross left foot over right (7), step right foot to right side (&), cross left foot over right (8)

Section 2: Right side together, right shuffle back, left side together, ¼ left shuffle
1-2Step right to right side (1), step left next to right (2)
3&4Step back on right foot (3), close left foot besides right (&), step back on right foot (4)
5-6Step left to left side (5), step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left to left side making ¼ left (7), step right next to left (&), step forward left (8)

Section 3: Right rock recover, heal digs left and right, step ½ turn left and step ¼ turn left
1-2Rock forward on right foot (1), rocking back onto left foot (2)
&3&4&Step right beside left (&), tap left heel forward to the front (3), return left foot to place (&), tap right heel forward to the front (4), return right foot to place (&),
5-6Step left foot forward (5), turn ½ right (over right shoulder) (6)
7-8Step left foot forward (7), turn ¼ right to the back (8)

Section 4: Left cross rock recover, chassé left, right rock back recover, right side rock
1-2Rock forward left over right (1), rocking back onto right foot (2)
3&4Step left foot to side (1), close right foot to left (&), step left foot to left side (4)
5-6Rock back on right foot (5), rocking back onto left foot (6)
7-8Rock to right side on right foot (7), rocking back onto left foot (8)

Restarts – wall 3
dance the first 2 counts of section 2 and then step back together.
Half a rumba box back (step right to right side, left beside right, step right back step left next to right and keep weight on left)
Restart the dance from the beginning
Happy Dancing xx


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