Intro: 32 counts, 17 seconds
Tag, 2 counts, at end of wall 8 facing 12:00, see description below
[1-8] Step side, touch, knee roll, R sailor, L sailor ¼ kick, ball step, step
&1,2Small step L to left, touch R next to L, roll right knee clockwise (weight on left)
3&4Step R behind L, step L slightly left, step R to right
5&6Step L behind R, making ¼ turn left step R slightly to R, kick left forward (9:00)
&7,8Step L next to R, step R forward, Step L forward
[9-16] Out, out, hip roll, ball step forward, ½ turn left sweep, L sailor, hold, ball step
&1,2Step R to right, step L to left, roll hips starting left, back, ending right (weight on right)
&3,4Step L to center, step R forward, pivot ½ turn left sweeping L back (3:00)
5&6Step L behind R, step R slightly to right, step L to left
7&8Hold, step R next to left, step L to left
[17-24] Cross R, hold, extended weave ½ turn right, ¼ left step, R mambo forward
1,2Cross R over L, hold
&3Small step L to left start ¼ turn right, cross R behind L finish ¼ turn right (6:00)
&4Small step L to left start ¼ turn right, cross R over L finish ¼ turn right (9:00)
&5,6Small step L to left, cross R behind L, turn ¼ left step L forward (6:00)
7&8Rock forward on R, recover to L, step R back
[25-32] L back-R point, ½ turn right, R coaster, forward, ¾ spiral, side, touch, hip bump
&1,2Step L back, point R back, turn ½ right on L (weight stays left) (12:00)
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5,6Step L forward, turn ¾ right on L (9:00)
&7&8Step R to right, touch L next to R, bump L hip up, hip back to center *TAG after wall 8 facing 12:00
TAG: Hip bumps x2
&1&2Bump L hip up, hip back to center, repeat
Contact the choreographers with your questions. sphilipg@hotmail.com - brendas@winecountrylinedance.com
Tag, 2 counts, at end of wall 8 facing 12:00, see description below
[1-8] Step side, touch, knee roll, R sailor, L sailor ¼ kick, ball step, step
&1,2Small step L to left, touch R next to L, roll right knee clockwise (weight on left)
3&4Step R behind L, step L slightly left, step R to right
5&6Step L behind R, making ¼ turn left step R slightly to R, kick left forward (9:00)
&7,8Step L next to R, step R forward, Step L forward
[9-16] Out, out, hip roll, ball step forward, ½ turn left sweep, L sailor, hold, ball step
&1,2Step R to right, step L to left, roll hips starting left, back, ending right (weight on right)
&3,4Step L to center, step R forward, pivot ½ turn left sweeping L back (3:00)
5&6Step L behind R, step R slightly to right, step L to left
7&8Hold, step R next to left, step L to left
[17-24] Cross R, hold, extended weave ½ turn right, ¼ left step, R mambo forward
1,2Cross R over L, hold
&3Small step L to left start ¼ turn right, cross R behind L finish ¼ turn right (6:00)
&4Small step L to left start ¼ turn right, cross R over L finish ¼ turn right (9:00)
&5,6Small step L to left, cross R behind L, turn ¼ left step L forward (6:00)
7&8Rock forward on R, recover to L, step R back
[25-32] L back-R point, ½ turn right, R coaster, forward, ¾ spiral, side, touch, hip bump
&1,2Step L back, point R back, turn ½ right on L (weight stays left) (12:00)
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
5,6Step L forward, turn ¾ right on L (9:00)
&7&8Step R to right, touch L next to R, bump L hip up, hip back to center *TAG after wall 8 facing 12:00
TAG: Hip bumps x2
&1&2Bump L hip up, hip back to center, repeat
Contact the choreographers with your questions. sphilipg@hotmail.com - brendas@winecountrylinedance.com