CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Never Coming Down

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Ashley Kay - January 2019
Never Comin Down - Keith Urban
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#1 tag, 2 restarts

Dance start with the vocals after 16 counts.

[1-8] Two wizard steps, Two stomps, Kick, Shuffle (12:00)
1-2&Step L forward, Step R behind L, Step L forward
3-4&Step R forward, Step L behind R, Step R forward
5&Stomp L twice (keep weight on left after 2nd stomp)
6Step back on R while kicking L forward
7&8Step L forward, bring R together next to L, step L forward

[9-16] Heel clicks, Right Flicks, ½ turn Right Flicks, Hip roll clap (6:00)
&1&2Both feet together go up on your toes and swivel heels out, in, out, in
&3Flick R behind and out to the right, bring R back to center
&4Flick R behind and out to the right, bring R back to center,
&5Turn ¼ left while flicking R behind and out to right (9:00), bring R back to center
&6Turn ¼ left while flicking R behind and out to right (6:00), bring R back to center
7-8Swoop hips down from left (7) to right (8) while clapping hands above head to the right on count 8

*Restart here on 6th wall

[17-24] Kickball cross, Heel grind ¼ turn, rock back recover, Chase Right, Step Pivot turn (3:00)
1&2Kick L out, recover/step back down on L, tap R heel over left while turning the R toe ¼ to the left (to prepare for heel grind)*
3&4Keep R heel touching the ground and turn it ¼ turn to the right (heel grind), rock back on R, recover on L
5&6Step R to right side, bring L together, step R to right side with ¼ turn to right (9:00)
7&8Step L forward, Pivot while doing ½ turn to R, Step forward on L (3:00)

*Styling Tip #1 – Lean Right shoulder in before doing the heel grind, then when you complete the heel grind, bring the shoulder back to center and face forwards.

[24-32] Walk, Two hops ¼ turn, Scuff, Hip bumps
1-4Walk forward R, walk forward L, walk forward R, walk forward L
5&6Hop on both feet while doing 1/8 turn to left, hop on both feet while doing 1/8 turn to left, scuff R forward (12:00)
7&8Put R down while doing hip bump R, L, R (weight on R)

[33-40] Bendy sway, Chase Right, Step Pivot ½ turn, Weave
1-2Sway from right (1) to left (2)**
3&4Step R to right side, bring L together, step R to right side with ¼ turn to right (3:00)
5&6Step L forward, Pivot while doing ¼ turn to R (6:00), Cross L over R
7&8Step R to right side, Cross L behind R, Step R out to right side

**Styling Tip #2 – lean upper half of body forward and in a sweeping motion, sweep over from right to left.

*Restart here on 3rd wall

[41-48] Two Hooks, Two Heel clicks, Two hitch slaps
&1&2Kick L out (&), hook left ankle over right knee, (1), Kick L back out (&), Step L next to R (2)
&3&4Kick R out (&), hook right ankle over left knee, (3), Kick R back out (&), Step R next to L (4)
&5&6Both feet together go up on your toes and swivel heels out, in, out, in
&7Hitch R knee up so it’s parallel to the ground while slapping right hand down on thigh, bring R back down next to L (keep weight on L)
&8Hitch R knee up so it’s parallel to the ground while slapping right hand down on thigh, bring R back down next to L (switch weight to R)

Tag [4-counts of hip bumps]
Finish the 2nd wall all the way through, then shake your hips for 4 counts (L, R, L, R), then restart the dance

*1st restart happens while doing the 3rd wall after the first 40 counts
**2nd restart happens while doing the 6th wall after the first 16 counts

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