Intro: 16 count
Back Rock, Point Right and Left, Step Forward on Heel, Drop Toe, Step Forward Left, Right, Scuff, Hitch
1 – 2Rock right back, recover onto left
3 & 4 &Point right to right, right beside left, point left to left, left beside right
5 – 6Step forward on right heel, drop right toe
& 7 - 8 &Step left on ball beside right, step right forward, scuff left forward, hitch left knee
Walk Back Left and Right, Coaster Step, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Touch,
1 – 2Step left back, step right back
3 & 4Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
5 – 6Rock right to right, recover onto left
7 & 8Step right behind left, step left to left, touch right beside left
*Restart here on wall 4 after 16 count
Walk Right, Left, Kick Ball Point, ¼ Jazz box Left with Chasse
1 – 2Walk forward right, walk forward left
3 & 4Kick Right Forward, step right beside left, point left to left
5 - 6Cross left over right, step right back
7 & 8¼ turn left stepping left to left, step right beside left, step left to left
Out, Out, Hip Bumps Back x 2, Long Step Right Back, Slide Left
1 – 2Step right diagonal forward, step left diagonal forward
3 & 4Hip bump diagonal back right, left, right
5 & 6Hip bum diagonal back left, right, left
7 – 8A long step back on right, slide left beside right (weight on left)
Restart after 16 count on wall 4. (03.00)
Ending: You end the dance at 03.00. You can finish the dance by doing: Step forward right, ¼ turn left and pose. (12.00)
Back Rock, Point Right and Left, Step Forward on Heel, Drop Toe, Step Forward Left, Right, Scuff, Hitch
1 – 2Rock right back, recover onto left
3 & 4 &Point right to right, right beside left, point left to left, left beside right
5 – 6Step forward on right heel, drop right toe
& 7 - 8 &Step left on ball beside right, step right forward, scuff left forward, hitch left knee
Walk Back Left and Right, Coaster Step, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Touch,
1 – 2Step left back, step right back
3 & 4Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
5 – 6Rock right to right, recover onto left
7 & 8Step right behind left, step left to left, touch right beside left
*Restart here on wall 4 after 16 count
Walk Right, Left, Kick Ball Point, ¼ Jazz box Left with Chasse
1 – 2Walk forward right, walk forward left
3 & 4Kick Right Forward, step right beside left, point left to left
5 - 6Cross left over right, step right back
7 & 8¼ turn left stepping left to left, step right beside left, step left to left
Out, Out, Hip Bumps Back x 2, Long Step Right Back, Slide Left
1 – 2Step right diagonal forward, step left diagonal forward
3 & 4Hip bump diagonal back right, left, right
5 & 6Hip bum diagonal back left, right, left
7 – 8A long step back on right, slide left beside right (weight on left)
Restart after 16 count on wall 4. (03.00)
Ending: You end the dance at 03.00. You can finish the dance by doing: Step forward right, ¼ turn left and pose. (12.00)