Intro – 32 Counts.
Section 1: Right Vine Touch, Left Vine Touch.
1 - 4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right.
5 - 8Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.
* Optional styling walls 3, 6, 10, 11 & 12 Change the vines in to rolling vines (“Turn It in To Love”) *
Section 2: Cross Point x2, Back Point x2.
1 – 4Cross right in front of left, point left to left side, cross left in front of right, point right to right side.
5 – 8Cross right behind left, point left to left side, cross left behind right, point right to right side.
Section 3: 2x 1/8 Pivot Left, Right Rocking Chair.
1 – 4Step forward on right foot, pivot a ¼ turn left, Step forward on right foot, pivot a ¼ turn left.
5 – 8Rock forward on to right, recover on to left, rock back on to right, recover on to left.
Section 4: Step Heel Heel ¼ Touch, Walk Back Right, Left, Right, Touch.
1 – 4Step forward on right, make 1/8 turn left bringing left heel in, make a 1/8 turn left swivelling right heel to side, touch left beside right.
5 – 8Walk back left, right, left, touch right beside left.
Contact: matsinyard84@live.com
Section 1: Right Vine Touch, Left Vine Touch.
1 - 4Step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, touch left beside right.
5 - 8Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, touch right beside left.
* Optional styling walls 3, 6, 10, 11 & 12 Change the vines in to rolling vines (“Turn It in To Love”) *
Section 2: Cross Point x2, Back Point x2.
1 – 4Cross right in front of left, point left to left side, cross left in front of right, point right to right side.
5 – 8Cross right behind left, point left to left side, cross left behind right, point right to right side.
Section 3: 2x 1/8 Pivot Left, Right Rocking Chair.
1 – 4Step forward on right foot, pivot a ¼ turn left, Step forward on right foot, pivot a ¼ turn left.
5 – 8Rock forward on to right, recover on to left, rock back on to right, recover on to left.
Section 4: Step Heel Heel ¼ Touch, Walk Back Right, Left, Right, Touch.
1 – 4Step forward on right, make 1/8 turn left bringing left heel in, make a 1/8 turn left swivelling right heel to side, touch left beside right.
5 – 8Walk back left, right, left, touch right beside left.
Contact: matsinyard84@live.com