Smooth Motion
[1-8] Step Back, Drag, coaster Side,Heel Grind ¼ turn right, shuffle back
1-2Rf back,Lf beside Rf
3&4Lf back,Rf next Lf,Lf to the left
5-6Cross heel Rf over Lf,1/4 turn right and Lf back
7&8Rf back,Lf next Rf, Rf back
[9-16] Rock back with hitch, recover, shuffle foward, rock foward, rock side cross
1-2Lf back with hitch Rf, recover weight Rf
3&4Lf foward, Rf next Lf, Lf foward
5-6Rf foward, recover weight Lf
7&8Rf to the right, recover weight Lf, cross Rf over Lf
[17-24] Toe strut foward,1/2 right,coaster step ½ turn,step,side, anchor step
17-18Toe Lf foward,we support Lf and ½ turn right (weight Lf) (Restart on the 7º wall)
19&20Rf back (optional sweep), Lf next to Rf, 1/2 turn right Rf foward
21-22Lf foward, Rf to the right
23&24Lf back, recover weight Rf, recover weight Lf
[25-32] Toe strut, Kick ball cross, sweep, Touch, coaster point
25-26Toe Rf cross over Lf,support Rf
27&28kick Lf foward, Lf next to the Rf,Cross Rf over Lf
29-30Lf from back to front cross Rf, touch Rf behind Lf
31&32Rf back, Lf next to Rf,point Rf foward
Enjoy the Dance
Contact: andreslinedance@andreslinedance.es
1-2Rf back,Lf beside Rf
3&4Lf back,Rf next Lf,Lf to the left
5-6Cross heel Rf over Lf,1/4 turn right and Lf back
7&8Rf back,Lf next Rf, Rf back
[9-16] Rock back with hitch, recover, shuffle foward, rock foward, rock side cross
1-2Lf back with hitch Rf, recover weight Rf
3&4Lf foward, Rf next Lf, Lf foward
5-6Rf foward, recover weight Lf
7&8Rf to the right, recover weight Lf, cross Rf over Lf
[17-24] Toe strut foward,1/2 right,coaster step ½ turn,step,side, anchor step
17-18Toe Lf foward,we support Lf and ½ turn right (weight Lf) (Restart on the 7º wall)
19&20Rf back (optional sweep), Lf next to Rf, 1/2 turn right Rf foward
21-22Lf foward, Rf to the right
23&24Lf back, recover weight Rf, recover weight Lf
[25-32] Toe strut, Kick ball cross, sweep, Touch, coaster point
25-26Toe Rf cross over Lf,support Rf
27&28kick Lf foward, Lf next to the Rf,Cross Rf over Lf
29-30Lf from back to front cross Rf, touch Rf behind Lf
31&32Rf back, Lf next to Rf,point Rf foward
Enjoy the Dance
Contact: andreslinedance@andreslinedance.es