Beginner waltz - partner / circle
Intro: 24 Counts
[1-6] Side, Behind, Place (x2)
1-3Step right to side, step left behind right slightly, step right in place
4-6Step left to side, step right behind left slightly, step left in place
Option: People in the same row/circle can hold hands
[7-12] Fwd Balance Step, Back Balance Step
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right in place
4-6Step left back, step right together, step left in place
Option: People in the same row/circle can hold hands
[13-18] Walk, Walk, Tog (x2) Around 1/2 Circle ( Clockwise )
1-3Walk R-L with 1/4 circle , step right together ( 12:00 )
4-6Walk L-R with 1/4 circle , step left together ( 3:00 )
Option: Partner can hand to hand
[19-24] Walk, Walk, Tog (x2) Around 1/2 Circle ( Clockwise )
1-3Walk R-L with 1/4 circle , step right together ( 6:00 )
4-6Walk L-R with 1/4 circle , step left together ( 9:00 )
( Pass the right side of the partner )
[25-30] 1/4 Turn R Side, Hold, 1/4 Turn L Fwd Balance Step
1-31/4 Turn R stepping right to side, hold 2 counts (12:00)
4-61/4 Turn L step left forward, step right together, step left in place ( 9:00 )
( At count 5-6 head turn R looking your partner )
[31-36] Fwd Balance Step, 1/4 Turn Rock, Cross
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right in place ( 9:00 )
4-61/4 Turn T rocking left side, recover on right , cross left over right (12:00)
Note: Count 1-3, head turn R looking your partner, circle dance will be change your partner into new partner or partner dance is R-L-R in place )
[37-42] Diagonal Shuffle (x2)
1-3Step right forward diagonal R, step left next to right, step right forward
4-6Step left forward diagonal L, step right next to left, step left forward
( Pass the left side of the partner )
[43-48] Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Fwd, Side, Hold
1-3Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L, step right forward ( 6:00 )
4-6Step left to side, hold 2 counts
***Restart On wall 5 dance up to count 24 facing 9:00, than 1/4 turn right face to 12:00 start again.
Thanks Zhang Ping for recommending this song
Happy Dancing!
Contact: Janet Ge’s email: 93806188@qq.com
[1-6] Side, Behind, Place (x2)
1-3Step right to side, step left behind right slightly, step right in place
4-6Step left to side, step right behind left slightly, step left in place
Option: People in the same row/circle can hold hands
[7-12] Fwd Balance Step, Back Balance Step
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right in place
4-6Step left back, step right together, step left in place
Option: People in the same row/circle can hold hands
[13-18] Walk, Walk, Tog (x2) Around 1/2 Circle ( Clockwise )
1-3Walk R-L with 1/4 circle , step right together ( 12:00 )
4-6Walk L-R with 1/4 circle , step left together ( 3:00 )
Option: Partner can hand to hand
[19-24] Walk, Walk, Tog (x2) Around 1/2 Circle ( Clockwise )
1-3Walk R-L with 1/4 circle , step right together ( 6:00 )
4-6Walk L-R with 1/4 circle , step left together ( 9:00 )
( Pass the right side of the partner )
[25-30] 1/4 Turn R Side, Hold, 1/4 Turn L Fwd Balance Step
1-31/4 Turn R stepping right to side, hold 2 counts (12:00)
4-61/4 Turn L step left forward, step right together, step left in place ( 9:00 )
( At count 5-6 head turn R looking your partner )
[31-36] Fwd Balance Step, 1/4 Turn Rock, Cross
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right in place ( 9:00 )
4-61/4 Turn T rocking left side, recover on right , cross left over right (12:00)
Note: Count 1-3, head turn R looking your partner, circle dance will be change your partner into new partner or partner dance is R-L-R in place )
[37-42] Diagonal Shuffle (x2)
1-3Step right forward diagonal R, step left next to right, step right forward
4-6Step left forward diagonal L, step right next to left, step left forward
( Pass the left side of the partner )
[43-48] Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Fwd, Side, Hold
1-3Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L, step right forward ( 6:00 )
4-6Step left to side, hold 2 counts
***Restart On wall 5 dance up to count 24 facing 9:00, than 1/4 turn right face to 12:00 start again.
Thanks Zhang Ping for recommending this song
Happy Dancing!
Contact: Janet Ge’s email: 93806188@qq.com