Easy Improver
#32 count Intro.
Section 1. Step side hold, ball step to the Right, . touch. Rolling Vine Left.
1,2,&3,4Step Right to side, hold. Step Left next to right, step Right to side, touch Left next to Right.
5,6,7,8.left ¼ turn step onto Left, ½ turn left, step back onto Right, ¼ turn left, step onto Left. Touch Right next to left.
Section 2. side step, hold, ball step to the Right, touch. rolling vine Left.
1,2, 3&4.step Right to side, Hold, step Left next to Right, step Right to side, touch left next to right.
5,6,7,8.¼ turn left onto Left, ½ turn left step back onto right, ¼ turn left step onto left, touch Right toe next to Left.
Section 3. rock forward, recover, shuffle ½ turn, rock forward recover, coaster step.
1,2, 3&4,rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left, ¼ turn right step onto right, step left next to Right. ¼ turn right step onto Right.
5,6 7&8.rock forward onto Left, recover weight onto Right, step back onto Left, step right next to Left, step forward onto Left.
Section 4. side rock recover, cross shuffle left,vine Left with a touch.
1,2 3&4.rock Right out to side, recover weight onto left, cross right over Left, step left to side, cross Right over left.
5,6, 7,8.Step Left to side, step Right behind Left, step Right to side, touch Right toe next to Left.
Start again.
No Tags, No Restarts,
Section 1. Step side hold, ball step to the Right, . touch. Rolling Vine Left.
1,2,&3,4Step Right to side, hold. Step Left next to right, step Right to side, touch Left next to Right.
5,6,7,8.left ¼ turn step onto Left, ½ turn left, step back onto Right, ¼ turn left, step onto Left. Touch Right next to left.
Section 2. side step, hold, ball step to the Right, touch. rolling vine Left.
1,2, 3&4.step Right to side, Hold, step Left next to Right, step Right to side, touch left next to right.
5,6,7,8.¼ turn left onto Left, ½ turn left step back onto right, ¼ turn left step onto left, touch Right toe next to Left.
Section 3. rock forward, recover, shuffle ½ turn, rock forward recover, coaster step.
1,2, 3&4,rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left, ¼ turn right step onto right, step left next to Right. ¼ turn right step onto Right.
5,6 7&8.rock forward onto Left, recover weight onto Right, step back onto Left, step right next to Left, step forward onto Left.
Section 4. side rock recover, cross shuffle left,vine Left with a touch.
1,2 3&4.rock Right out to side, recover weight onto left, cross right over Left, step left to side, cross Right over left.
5,6, 7,8.Step Left to side, step Right behind Left, step Right to side, touch Right toe next to Left.
Start again.
No Tags, No Restarts,