CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Southern Girl

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Eddie Morrison (SCO) - September 2018
Southern Girl - Dawn Landes
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#16 Count Intro

Section 1 : Step lock step, chasse ¼ turn, back rock side, coaster ¼ turn
1&2Step forward on right, step left behind right, step forward on right
3&4Step left ¼ turn right step right beside left, step left to the side
5&6Rock back on right recover on left, step right to the side. **Tag/Restart Wall 7** (9.00)
7&8Step back on left, step ¼ right, step forward on left.

Section 2 : Sailor ¼ turn. Cross rock side, Cross and heel and cross and heel
1&2Sweep right behind left ,making ¼ turn right, step left to the side, step right to the side.
3&4Cross rock left over right, recover on right, step left to the side.
5&6&Cross right over left, step left to the side, tap right heel to right diagonal, step right in place.
7&8&Cross left over right, step right to the side, tap left heel to left diagonal, step left in place.

Section 3: Rock recover chasse right, Cross rock side, Touch front touch side.
1-2Cross rock right over left, recover on left,
3&4Step right to the side, step left beside right, step right to the side *Tag/Restart Wall 3* (3.00)
5&6Cross rock left over right, recover on right step left to the side.
7-8Touch right to the front, touch right to the side.

Section 4: Coaster step, Touch front touch side coaster step.
1&2Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right.
3-4Touch left to the front, touch left to the side.
5&6Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left.

Tag/Restart Wall 3* After Count 4 Section 3
Touch front side coaster step, Touch front side coaster touch.
1-2Touch left to the front, touch left to the side
3&4Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left.
5-6Touch right to the front, touch right to the side
7&8Step back on right, step left beside right, touch right beside left. (Restart)

Tag/Restart Wall 7** Change step 6 Section 1 to a touch then add Tag Twice.
Back rock touch.
5&6Rock back on right recover on left, touch right beside left.
Tag - Touch front side coaster step, Touch front side coaster step
1-2Touch right to the front, touch right to the side
384Step back on right, step left beside right, step forward on right
5-6Touch left to the front, touch left to the side
7&8Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left. (Repeat then Restart).

Ending: Wall 8 Section 1 change counts 7&8 to behind side cross point.
7&8Step left behind right, step right to the side, cross left over right, point right to the side.

Note: Tag Wall 3 The steps change from Touch RIGHT forward to Touch LEFT Forward !!!!!!!!!

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