CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pump Jack

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Ole Jacobson (DE) & Nina K. (DE) - September 2018
Pump Jack - Toby Keith
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Beginn nach 40 Counts ca. 20 Sekunden

[1-8] Out, out, in, in, heel grind turning 1/4 R, back, recover
1,2Step right diagonal to the front - step left to the left (feet shoulder width)
3,4Step back to the starting position - step left beside right
5Step right on heel forward
61/4 turn R and step left back
7,8Step right back - weight recover on LF

[9-16] Shuffle fwd 1/2 turn L, back, recover, Shuffle fwd with 1/2 turn R, back, recover
1&21/4 turn L, step right to right - step left beside right - 1/4 turn R, step back
3,4LF step back - weight before on RF
5&61/4 turn R, step left to the left - step right beside left - 1/4 turn L, step left back
7,8Step right back - weight recover on left

[17-24] Point, cross R+L, chasse R, 1/4 turn L chasse, L,
1,2Right tap right - cross right over left
3,4Left tap left - cross left over right
5&6Step right to the right - step left beside right - step right to the right
7&81/4 turn L, left step to the left - step right beside left - left step to the left

[25-32] 1/4 turn L, chasse R, toe, strut with 1/4 turn L, cross - recover, toe strut to the left
1&21/4 turn L, right step to the right - step left beside right - step right to the right
3,4Tap left behind right - 1/4 turn L, set down left heel
(in the last wall (music blended out), 1/2 L-turn and in the last section the heel toes & 3 do not turn)
5,6Cross right over left - weight recover to left
7,8Tap right to the right - set down right heel
(in the 6th wall here on count 7,8 replace by RF step back - weight before on LF -> restart)

[33-40] Toe strut a cross, back, recover, shuffle fwd R+L
1,2Touch left in front of right - set down left heel
3,4Step right back - weight recover on left
(in the 2nd wall insert 2 steps forward (R + L) and continue dancing)
(in the 4th & 5th wall after the 2 additional steps (R + L) -> Restart)
5&6Step right forward - step left beside right - step right forward
7&8Step left forward - step right beside left - left step forward

[41-48] Heel, Toe, Heel Toe with 1/4 turn R, coaster step, pivot turn 1/2 L
1&2Right heel on the front - step right beside left - touch left back
&1/4 turn right, step left beside right
(at the finish, without turning and a coaster step at the back and stomp right forward)
3&4Right heel on the front - step right beside left - touch left back (weight on right)
5&6Step left back - right beside left - left step forward
7,8Step right forward - 1/2 turn left (weight on left)

[49-52] Jazz box
1,2Cross right over left - left step back
3,4Right step to the right - step left beside right (weight on LF)

..and from the beginning

(in the 2nd wall in the 5th section after Count 3,4 insert 2 steps forward (R + L) and continue dancing)
(In the 4th & 5th wall in the 5th section, count down 3.4 2 steps forward (R + L) and make a restart
(in the 6th wall in the 4th section on 7,8 a back, recover with RF dance -> restart)

Last Update - 30th Oct. 2018

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