CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Along

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Linda Hayden - September 2018
Get Along - Kenny Chesney
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Intro: 16 counts, starts on the vocals

Right Wizard Step, Left Wizard Step, R Rock Recover, 1/2 Turn Shuffle to Right
1-2 &Right Wizard: - Step right foot forward to the right diagonal, lock left foot behind right foot, step right foot forward to the right diagonal
3-4 &Left Wizard : Step left foot forward to the left diagonal, lock right foot behind left foot, step Left foot forward to the left diagonal
5-6Rock forward Right, Recover Left
7&8Turn ¼ right stepping onto right, step left next to right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward

Left Wizard Step, Right Wizard Step, Left Rock Recover, Left Coaster Step
1 - 2 &Left Wizard - Step left foot forward to the left diagonal, lock right foot behind left foot, step Left foot forward to the left diagonal
3-4 &Right Wizard - Step right foot forward to the right diagonal, lock left foot behind right foot, step right foot forward to the right diagonal
5-6Rock Forward Left Recover Right
7&8Step back onto the left foot, step right next to the left, step forward onto left
Right Side Behind and Heel Ball Cross, 1/2 Hinge Turn to Right, Cross Shuffle
1-2Right step to right side, cross left behind R
&3&4Right step to right side, touch left heel diagonal forward, left step next to right, right step across left
5-6Turn ¼ right stepping left back, turn ¼ right stepping right to side
7&8Cross left over right, step right together, step left over right

Step On Right, Left 1/4 Turn Sailor, Full Turn Left, Right Shuffle Forward, Step On L
1Step on the R
2&3Cross left foot behind right and step as you turn ¼ to left, step right to right side, step left foot to left side
4-5Turn ½ to the L and step back on R, turn ½ to the Left and Step forward on L
6&7Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
8Step On Left



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