#16 beat intro.
* Restart wall 4 after count 24 at back
** Ending – at front after count 4& in section 1
Basic Nightclub Right and Left, Sweep, Sweep, Rock, Replace
1,2&Step R to R side, step L behind R, replace onto R
3,4&Step L to L side, step R behind L replace onto L ** - 12.00
5,6,7,8Sweep R fwd, sweep L fwd, rock R fwd, replace onto L
R Sailor & L Sailor, Rock, Replace, ½ Turn L, R Shuffle
1&2,3&4Cross R behind L, step L to side, step R tog. moving back Cross L behind R, step R to side, step L tog. moving back
5,6,7&8Rock R back ,replace on L, turn ½ L stepping R,L,R - 6.00
Rock, Replace, ¼ R Turn, L Side Shuffle, R Coaster, L Shuffle fwd
1,2,3&4Rock back on L, replace onto R, turn ¼ R with a left side shuffle - 9.00
5&6,7&8Turn to diagonal (10.30) with a R coaster step, shuffle fwd L,R,L *
Pivot ½ L, R Shuffle fwd, Rock, Replace, Behind, Side, Cross
1,2,3&4Step R fwd, pivot ½ left, to diagonal (4.30) shuffle fwd R,L,R
5,6,7&8Still on diagonal rock fwd on L, replace on R, straighten up to back Step L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R - 6.00
Contact: mjenkin1@bigpond.com.au - 0408 547 341
* Restart wall 4 after count 24 at back
** Ending – at front after count 4& in section 1
Basic Nightclub Right and Left, Sweep, Sweep, Rock, Replace
1,2&Step R to R side, step L behind R, replace onto R
3,4&Step L to L side, step R behind L replace onto L ** - 12.00
5,6,7,8Sweep R fwd, sweep L fwd, rock R fwd, replace onto L
R Sailor & L Sailor, Rock, Replace, ½ Turn L, R Shuffle
1&2,3&4Cross R behind L, step L to side, step R tog. moving back Cross L behind R, step R to side, step L tog. moving back
5,6,7&8Rock R back ,replace on L, turn ½ L stepping R,L,R - 6.00
Rock, Replace, ¼ R Turn, L Side Shuffle, R Coaster, L Shuffle fwd
1,2,3&4Rock back on L, replace onto R, turn ¼ R with a left side shuffle - 9.00
5&6,7&8Turn to diagonal (10.30) with a R coaster step, shuffle fwd L,R,L *
Pivot ½ L, R Shuffle fwd, Rock, Replace, Behind, Side, Cross
1,2,3&4Step R fwd, pivot ½ left, to diagonal (4.30) shuffle fwd R,L,R
5,6,7&8Still on diagonal rock fwd on L, replace on R, straighten up to back Step L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R - 6.00
Contact: mjenkin1@bigpond.com.au - 0408 547 341