Easy Beginner
Intro: 16 counts after initial guitar lick
Step touches right and left
1-2Step right, touch left foot by right foot
3-4Step left foot left, touch right foot by left foot
5-6Step right foot right, touch left foot by right foot
7-8Step left foot to left, touch right foot by left foot
Vine right and left with heel touches
1-2Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot
3-4step right foot to side, shift weight to right foot and move left foot slightly diagonal to front and side, touching heel to floor
5-6Step down on left foot, step right foot behind left
7-8Step left foot to side, weight on left foot, right foot slightly diagonal to front and side, touching heel to floor
1-2Step right foot forward and slightly diagonally, touch left foot by right foot, clapping hands
3-4Step back on left foot, touch right foot to side of left foot, clapping hands
5-6Step back on right foot, slightly diagonally, and touch left foot by right foot, clapping hands
7-8Step left foot forward, and touch right foot by left foot, clapping hands
Two ¼ Paddle turns to left, jazz box
1-2Place right foot forward and use to pivot ¼ turn on left foot (weight should stay on left foot)
3-4Repeat right foot forward and ¼ turn, pivoting on left foot ( should be at 6 o clock wall)
5-6Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
7-8Step back and to side on right foot, touch left foot by right foot
optional tagon the fourth and sixth wall, which will be the 6 o clock wall, add step touch right, left, right,left to equal eight step touches to better align with the music
Contact: mavanbeke@aol.com
Last Update: 25 Aug 2022
Step touches right and left
1-2Step right, touch left foot by right foot
3-4Step left foot left, touch right foot by left foot
5-6Step right foot right, touch left foot by right foot
7-8Step left foot to left, touch right foot by left foot
Vine right and left with heel touches
1-2Step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot
3-4step right foot to side, shift weight to right foot and move left foot slightly diagonal to front and side, touching heel to floor
5-6Step down on left foot, step right foot behind left
7-8Step left foot to side, weight on left foot, right foot slightly diagonal to front and side, touching heel to floor
1-2Step right foot forward and slightly diagonally, touch left foot by right foot, clapping hands
3-4Step back on left foot, touch right foot to side of left foot, clapping hands
5-6Step back on right foot, slightly diagonally, and touch left foot by right foot, clapping hands
7-8Step left foot forward, and touch right foot by left foot, clapping hands
Two ¼ Paddle turns to left, jazz box
1-2Place right foot forward and use to pivot ¼ turn on left foot (weight should stay on left foot)
3-4Repeat right foot forward and ¼ turn, pivoting on left foot ( should be at 6 o clock wall)
5-6Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot
7-8Step back and to side on right foot, touch left foot by right foot
optional tagon the fourth and sixth wall, which will be the 6 o clock wall, add step touch right, left, right,left to equal eight step touches to better align with the music
Contact: mavanbeke@aol.com
Last Update: 25 Aug 2022