Intro: 16 Counts
(1-8) Brush, Hook, Shuffle fwd, Brush, Hook, Shuffle fwd.
1-2Brush right fwd, hook right over left
3&4Step right fwd, step left together, step right fwd
5-6Brush left fwd, hook left over right.
7&8Step left fwd, step right together, step left fwd.
(9-16) Fwd, Recover, Shuffle ½ turn right, Left chasse ¼ right, Back, Recover.
1-2Rock right fwd, recover on left.
3&4Make a ½ turn right shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
5&6Make a ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, step right together, step left to left side.
7-8Rock right back, recover on left
(17-24) Toe Switches with claps, Heel Switches with claps (Moving Fwd).
1&Touch right to side, step right together.
2&Touch left to side, step left together
3&4Touch right to side, clap 2x
5&Touch right heel fwd, step right together
6&Touch left heel fwd, step left together
7&8Touch right heel fwd, clap 2x
(25-32) Rocking Chair, Step pivot ½ turn left, Kick ball step
1-2step right fwd, recover on left
3-4Step right back, recover on left
5-6Step right fwd, make a ½ turn left stepping left fwd
7&8Kick right fwd, step right together, step left fwd
Tags: 16 Counts
Complete the following after the 3rd sequence (facing 09.00) and after the 9th sequence (facing 3.00).
(1-8) Jazz box, Jazz box ¼ right
1-2Cross right over left, step left back
3-4Step right to right side, step left together.
5-6Cross right over left, step left back ¼ right
7-8Step right to right side, step left fwd
(9-16) Hop right diagonal fwd with bump 2x, Hop left diagonal fwd with bump 2x, Bumping R-L-R-L
&1&2Hop right to right diagonal fwd, touch left beside right, Bump L-R
&3&4Hop left to left diagonal fwd, touch right beside left, Bump R-L
5678Bump R-L-R-L
Enjoy Dancing! Yihaaa....
Contact email: nstnorma3@gmail.com
(1-8) Brush, Hook, Shuffle fwd, Brush, Hook, Shuffle fwd.
1-2Brush right fwd, hook right over left
3&4Step right fwd, step left together, step right fwd
5-6Brush left fwd, hook left over right.
7&8Step left fwd, step right together, step left fwd.
(9-16) Fwd, Recover, Shuffle ½ turn right, Left chasse ¼ right, Back, Recover.
1-2Rock right fwd, recover on left.
3&4Make a ½ turn right shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
5&6Make a ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, step right together, step left to left side.
7-8Rock right back, recover on left
(17-24) Toe Switches with claps, Heel Switches with claps (Moving Fwd).
1&Touch right to side, step right together.
2&Touch left to side, step left together
3&4Touch right to side, clap 2x
5&Touch right heel fwd, step right together
6&Touch left heel fwd, step left together
7&8Touch right heel fwd, clap 2x
(25-32) Rocking Chair, Step pivot ½ turn left, Kick ball step
1-2step right fwd, recover on left
3-4Step right back, recover on left
5-6Step right fwd, make a ½ turn left stepping left fwd
7&8Kick right fwd, step right together, step left fwd
Tags: 16 Counts
Complete the following after the 3rd sequence (facing 09.00) and after the 9th sequence (facing 3.00).
(1-8) Jazz box, Jazz box ¼ right
1-2Cross right over left, step left back
3-4Step right to right side, step left together.
5-6Cross right over left, step left back ¼ right
7-8Step right to right side, step left fwd
(9-16) Hop right diagonal fwd with bump 2x, Hop left diagonal fwd with bump 2x, Bumping R-L-R-L
&1&2Hop right to right diagonal fwd, touch left beside right, Bump L-R
&3&4Hop left to left diagonal fwd, touch right beside left, Bump R-L
5678Bump R-L-R-L
Enjoy Dancing! Yihaaa....
Contact email: nstnorma3@gmail.com