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Solar Power Girl

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Jeni Bradshaw (UK) - June 2018
Solar Power Girl (feat. Timbaland) - Brad Paisley : (Album: Love And War)
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Notes: 32 count intro (start on vocals) 2 Restarts, after 48 counts, on walls 2 & 4

Section 1: Right Dorothy Heel Switches, Left Dorothy Heel Switches
1,2&Step R foot forward to R diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R foot forward to R diagonal
3&4&Straightening to 12 O’Clock Touch L heel forward, step L next to R, touch R heel forward, step R next to L
5,6&Step L foot forward to L diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L foot forward to L diagonal
7&8&Straightening to 12 O’Clock Touch R heel forward, step R next to L, touch L heel forward, step L next to R

Section 2: Right mambo forward, L Coaster Cross, Syncopated Side Rocks R & L
1&2Rock R foot forward, lift and replace L, Step R foot back
3&4Step L foot back, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot across R
5,6&Rock R foot out to R side, Recover on L foot, Step R foot next to L foot
7,8Rock L foot out to L side, Recover on R foot

Section 3: Left cross side sailor heel and Right cross side sailor ¼ turn
1,2Cross L foot in front of R, Step R foot to the R
3&4&Step L foot behind R foot, Step R foot to R side, Tap L heel to L diagonal, Step L foot in place
5,6Cross R foot in front of L, Step L foot to the L
7&8Cross R foot behind L, turn ¼ R as you step L foot to the L, Step R foot to R side

Section 4: Stomp Left forward (slapping Right hand to right hip), ¼ R Popping Right Knee (Clicking Right Fingers), R Shuffle Forward - Repeat
1,2Stomp L foot forward and slap R hand to R hip, Make ¼ R using ball of L foot and pop R knee clicking R fingers
3&4Step forward on R foot, close L foot beside R, Step forward on R foot
5,6Stomp L foot forward and slap R hand to R hip, Make ¼ R using ball of L foot and pop R knee clicking R fingers
7&8Step forward on R foot, close L foot beside R, Step forward on R foot

Section 5:Turning right step pivot ½, ½ turn shuffle (travelling back), Make ¼ R Step right to the side, hold, right side shuffle
1,2Step L foot forward, make ½ turn R stepping onto R foot
3&4Using ball of R foot make ½ turn R stepping L foot back, close R foot beside L, Step L foot back
5,6Make ¼ Turn R as you Step R foot to R side, Hold
&7&8Step L foot next to R foot, Step R foot to R, Step L foot next to R foot, Step R foot to R

Section 6: Left cross rock 1/2 shuffle, spiral turn over left, Left shuffle forward
1,2Rock L foot across R, Recover back on R foot
3&4Using ball of R foot make ½ turn L stepping L foot forward, step R foot next to L, Step L foot forward
5,6Step R foot forward, Make full turn L drawing L foot across R shin on the turn
7&8Step L foot forward, Close R foot beside L, Step L foot forward (RESTART HERE WALL 2 & 4)

Section 7: Right kick, kick sailor step, Left kick, kick sailor ½ turn
1,2Kick R foot forward, Kick R foot to R diagonal
3&4Step R foot behind L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot R
5,6Kick L foot forward, Kick L foot to L diagonal
7&8Cross L foot behind R foot, make ½ turn L stepping R foot in place, Step L foot forward

Section 8: Right Dorothy, L Dorothy, Step ½, Walk, Clap, Walk, Clap
1,2&Step R foot forward to R diagonal, Lock L behind R, Step R foot forward to R diagonal
3,4&Step L foot forward to L diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L foot forward to L diagonal
5,6Step R foot forward, make ½ turn L stepping onto L foot
7&8&Walk forward R foot, Clap, Walk forward L foot, Clap


2 評論

anniemac July 5, 2018
Lovely dance.

JeniBrad July 6, 2018
Thank you Anniemac :-)

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