CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased High Intermediate
Kirsten Matthiessen (DK) - June 2018
I'm Feeling You - Rak-Su
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Intro: 16 counts (app. 7 seconds)
Phrasing A, B, ½ B, A, B, B, A, B, ½ B, A, B

A(always starts facing front wall)
A[1-8] Step hitch, Coaster sweep, Cross, ¼ L, Shuffle ½ L
1-2Step L fw, hitch R 12:00
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw sweeping L CW 12:00
5-6Cross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping R back 09:00
7&8Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, step R next to L, turn ¼ L stepping L fw 03:00

A[9-16] Rock recover, Back lock step slide, Coaster kick ball point, Ball
1-2Rock R fw, recover onto L 03:00
3&4-5Step R back, cross L over R, step R big step back, slide L towards R 03:00
6&Step L back, step R next to L 03:00
7&8&Kick L fw, step L next to R, point R to R side, step R next to L 03:00

A[17-24] Rock recover ¼ L, Coaster sweep, Cross, ¼ R, Shuffle ½ R
(repeating counts 3-8 starting with opposite foot)
1-2Rock L to L side, recover ¼ L onto R 12:00
3&4Step L back, step R next to L, step L fw sweeping R CCW 12:00
5-6Cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping L back 03:00
7&8Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, step L next to R, turn ¼ R stepping R fw 09:00

A[25-32] Rock recover, Back lock step slide, Coaster kick ball point, Ball
(repeating counts 9-17 starting with opposite foot)
1-2Rock L fw, recover onto R 09:00
3&4-5Step L back, cross R over L, step L big step back, slide R towards L 09:00
6&Step R back, step L next to R 09:00
7&8&Kick R fw, step R next to L, point L to L side, step L next to R 09:00

B (always starts facing side walls)
B[1-8] Rock recover ¼ R, Coaster, Kick step lock step, Mambo w/ pop
1-2Rock R to R side, recover ¼ R onto L 12:00
3&4Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw 12:00
5&6&Kick L fw, step L fw, lock R behind L, step L fw 12:00
7&8Rock R fw, recover onto L, step R next to L popping L knee 12:00

B[9-16] Rock recover, ¼ L, Cross shuffle, ¼ R, ½ R, Point switches
1-2Rock L fw, recover onto R 12:00
&3&4Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L (prep) 09:00
5-6Turn ¼ R stepping L back, turn ½ R stepping R fw 06:00
7&8Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side 06:00
Note: when doing ½B add an extra & count, then go in to A
Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side, step R next to L

B[17-24] Jazz box chasse ¼ R, Step turn, Step touch x2
1-2Cross R over L, step L back 06:00
3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, turn ¼ R stepping R fw 09:00
5-6Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R 03:00
&7&8Step L fw (slightly diagonal), touch R next to L, step R fw (slightly diagonal) touch L next to R 03:00

B[25-32] Dorothy step x2, Rock recover, Coaster cross
1-2&Step L diagonally fw, lock R behind L, step L diagonally fw 03:00
3-4&Step R diagonally fw, lock L behind R, step R diagonally fw 03:00
5-6Rock L fw, recover onto R 03:00
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, cross L over R 03:00
Note: when going into A, change these steps to end up facing 12 o’clock
Step L back, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, touch L next to R

Hope you enjoy


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