Intro: 32 counts
PART 1. (1-8) R&L touch together, big side step X4
1-2R touch, big side step
3-4L touch, big side step
5-6R touch, big side step
7-8L touch, big side step
PART 2. (9-16) Walk fw R L, R mambo step, Walk back L R, L coaster step
1-2walk fw R, walk fw L
3&4rock R fw, recover on L, step back on R
5-6back walk L, R
7&8step back on L, step R next to L, step fw on L
PART 3. (17-24) Diagonal touch, lock step
1-2diagonal touch R(hip roll), together R
3-4diagonal touch L(hip roll), together L
5&6step R fw, behind L, step R fw
7&8step L fw, behind R, step L fw
PART 4. (25-32) Pivot 1/2 turn L, Traveling 1/4 turn L, R&L sailor step
1-2step R fw, 1/2 step L fw
3-4traveling R back 1/2 turn, step L side 1/4 turn L (9 o’clock)
5&6behind R, step L to L side, step R to R side
7&8behind L, step R to R side, step L to L side
Repeat dance and have fun!
No Tag, No Restart
Contact: dancerjin81@naver.com
PART 1. (1-8) R&L touch together, big side step X4
1-2R touch, big side step
3-4L touch, big side step
5-6R touch, big side step
7-8L touch, big side step
PART 2. (9-16) Walk fw R L, R mambo step, Walk back L R, L coaster step
1-2walk fw R, walk fw L
3&4rock R fw, recover on L, step back on R
5-6back walk L, R
7&8step back on L, step R next to L, step fw on L
PART 3. (17-24) Diagonal touch, lock step
1-2diagonal touch R(hip roll), together R
3-4diagonal touch L(hip roll), together L
5&6step R fw, behind L, step R fw
7&8step L fw, behind R, step L fw
PART 4. (25-32) Pivot 1/2 turn L, Traveling 1/4 turn L, R&L sailor step
1-2step R fw, 1/2 step L fw
3-4traveling R back 1/2 turn, step L side 1/4 turn L (9 o’clock)
5&6behind R, step L to L side, step R to R side
7&8behind L, step R to R side, step L to L side
Repeat dance and have fun!
No Tag, No Restart
Contact: dancerjin81@naver.com