Intro: 16 count
Sec.1: Big step R side, L Behind, R side, L cross, R Recover, L side, R cross, 1/4R L back,R sweep, R back, L together, R forward, L sweep, L cross, R recover
1-2&Big step R to R side (1), Step L behind R (2), Step R to R side (&),
3&4&Step L cross over R (3), Recover step R (&), Step L to L side (4), Step R cross over (&)
5-6&1/4R Step L back & Step R sweeping from front to back (5), Step R back (6), Step L next to R (&) (3:00)
7-8&Step R forward & Step L sweeping from back to front (7), Step L cross over R (8), Recover step R (&)
Sec. 2: Scissors step & weave, L cross, R recover, Big step L side, R cross, 1/4R forward, Triple full turn
1&2&3&Step L to L side (1), Step R next to L (&), Step L cross over R (2), Step R to R side (&) Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&)
4&Step L cross over R (4), Recover step R (&)
5-6&Big step L to L side (5), Step R cross over L (6), Recover step L (&)
7&8&1/4R Step R forward (7), 1/2R Step L back (&), 1/2R Step R forward, Step L forward (&) (6:00)
(Easy option: Instead of Triple full turn, you can do “Triple walk”)
Contact: yun690982@gmail.com
Sec.1: Big step R side, L Behind, R side, L cross, R Recover, L side, R cross, 1/4R L back,R sweep, R back, L together, R forward, L sweep, L cross, R recover
1-2&Big step R to R side (1), Step L behind R (2), Step R to R side (&),
3&4&Step L cross over R (3), Recover step R (&), Step L to L side (4), Step R cross over (&)
5-6&1/4R Step L back & Step R sweeping from front to back (5), Step R back (6), Step L next to R (&) (3:00)
7-8&Step R forward & Step L sweeping from back to front (7), Step L cross over R (8), Recover step R (&)
Sec. 2: Scissors step & weave, L cross, R recover, Big step L side, R cross, 1/4R forward, Triple full turn
1&2&3&Step L to L side (1), Step R next to L (&), Step L cross over R (2), Step R to R side (&) Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&)
4&Step L cross over R (4), Recover step R (&)
5-6&Big step L to L side (5), Step R cross over L (6), Recover step L (&)
7&8&1/4R Step R forward (7), 1/2R Step L back (&), 1/2R Step R forward, Step L forward (&) (6:00)
(Easy option: Instead of Triple full turn, you can do “Triple walk”)
Contact: yun690982@gmail.com