#16 Count Intro.
Mambo step, back, coaster step, shuffle fwd left, 1/2 turn, touch, step
1&2&rock fwd right, replace weight to left, step back right, step left beside right
3&4step back right, close left to right, step fwd right
5&6shuffle fwd left, right, left
7&8step fwd right, turn 1/2 turn left touching left foot beside right, step fwd left
Cross front, side, behind, sweep, behind side cross, side rock, back rock, side rock
1&2&cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left, sweep left back
3&4step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6rock right to right side, replace weight to left
Option: Add a double 'Hula Wave' on the side rock. (5-6)
7&8&rock back right, replace weight to left, rock right to right side, replace weight to left
**Restart here on wall 3 facing 12.00
Cross, side rock, cross, scuff, side, scuff, cross rock, side, together, mambo step
1-2&cross right over left, rock left to left side, replace weight to right
3&4&cross left over right, scuff right clicking fingers, step onto right, scuff left clicking fingers
Note: Counts 3&4& travel to right diagonal.
5&6&rock left over right, replace weight to right, step left to left side, close right to left
7&8rock fwd left, replace weight to right, step back left
Shuffle back, turn 1/4, step 1/2, sailor 1/4 turn, ball step, ball step 1/4 turn.
1&2shuffle back right, left, right
3-4step left 1/2 turn left, turning 1/4 turn left step right to right side
5&6rock left behind right, step right to right side, step left 1/4 turn left (1/4 turn sailor)
&7&8close right to left, step left 1/8 left, close right to left, step left 1/8 left (3:00)
Begin Again & have fun with it!
Restart: On wall 3, restart after 16 counts facing 12:00
Tag – Go Swimming!
At the end of wall 6 (facing 9:00) add 2 swim strokes over 4 counts
Ending: Add an extra ball step 1/4 turn at the end of the dance to face the front. Pose & add the 'Hula Wave'
Contact: michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie
Mambo step, back, coaster step, shuffle fwd left, 1/2 turn, touch, step
1&2&rock fwd right, replace weight to left, step back right, step left beside right
3&4step back right, close left to right, step fwd right
5&6shuffle fwd left, right, left
7&8step fwd right, turn 1/2 turn left touching left foot beside right, step fwd left
Cross front, side, behind, sweep, behind side cross, side rock, back rock, side rock
1&2&cross right over left, step left to left side, step right behind left, sweep left back
3&4step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6rock right to right side, replace weight to left
Option: Add a double 'Hula Wave' on the side rock. (5-6)
7&8&rock back right, replace weight to left, rock right to right side, replace weight to left
**Restart here on wall 3 facing 12.00
Cross, side rock, cross, scuff, side, scuff, cross rock, side, together, mambo step
1-2&cross right over left, rock left to left side, replace weight to right
3&4&cross left over right, scuff right clicking fingers, step onto right, scuff left clicking fingers
Note: Counts 3&4& travel to right diagonal.
5&6&rock left over right, replace weight to right, step left to left side, close right to left
7&8rock fwd left, replace weight to right, step back left
Shuffle back, turn 1/4, step 1/2, sailor 1/4 turn, ball step, ball step 1/4 turn.
1&2shuffle back right, left, right
3-4step left 1/2 turn left, turning 1/4 turn left step right to right side
5&6rock left behind right, step right to right side, step left 1/4 turn left (1/4 turn sailor)
&7&8close right to left, step left 1/8 left, close right to left, step left 1/8 left (3:00)
Begin Again & have fun with it!
Restart: On wall 3, restart after 16 counts facing 12:00
Tag – Go Swimming!
At the end of wall 6 (facing 9:00) add 2 swim strokes over 4 counts
Ending: Add an extra ball step 1/4 turn at the end of the dance to face the front. Pose & add the 'Hula Wave'
Contact: michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie