Easy Intermediate waltz
Music available from iTunes
Intro: 24 counts
Section 1: L Twinkle, R Twinkle 1/2
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), step left to left side (3)
4 5 6Cross right over left (4), ¼ turn right step back on left (5), ¼ turn right step right to right side (6) (6.00)
Section 2: Cross, Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), sweep right around from back to front over 2 counts (2,3)
4 5 6Cross right over left (4), step left to left side (5), cross right behind left (6)
Section 3: Side, Point, Hold, 1/4, 1/2, 1/4
1 2 3Step left to left side (1), point right to right side (2), HOLD (3)
4 5 6¼ right stepping forward on right (4), ½ right stepping back on left (5), ¼ right stepping right to right side (6) (6.00)
Section 4: 1/8 Forward, Kick, Hold, Back, Rock Back
1 2 31/8 walk forward on left toward right diagonal (7:30) (1) kick right forward (2), Hold (3) (7:30)
4 5 6Step back on right (4), rock back on left (5), recover on right (6)
Section 5: 1/8 Walk L, 1/4 Sweep, Walk R, Sweep
1 2 31/8 left walk forward on left (6:00) (1), ¼ left sweeping right around from back to front over 2 counts (2,3) (3:00)
4 5 6Walk forward right (4), sweep left around from back to front over 2 counts (5,6)
Section 6: Walk L, Sweep, Rock Forward, 1/2
1 2 3Walk forward left (1), sweep right around from back to front over 2 counts (2,3)
4 5 6Rock forward on right (4), recover on left (5), ½ right stepping forward on right (6) (9.00)
Section 7: 1/2, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross
1 2 3½ right stepping back on left (1), sweep right around from front to back over 2 counts (2,3) (3.00)
4 5 6Cross right behind left (4), step left to left side (5), cross right over left (6)
Section 8: Side, Drag, Side, Together, Side
1 2 3Step long step left to left side (1), drag right to meet left (2,3)
4 5 6Step right to right side (4), step left next to right rising up on the balls of both feet (5), step down on right to right side (6)
*Tag: At the end of wall 3 & 5 facing (9.00)
L Twinkle, R Twinkle 1/2
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), step left to left side (3)
4 5 6Cross right over left (4), ¼ turn right step back on left (5), ¼ turn right step right to right side (6) (3.00)
Forward, Point, Hold, Back, Point, Hold
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), point right to right side (2), HOLD (3)
4 5 6Cross right behind left (4), point left to left side (5), HOLD (6)
**Ending: during wall 9 the music slows down slightly, dance through to the end of “section 7” (facing 3:00), then to finish make ¼ turn left stepping long step forward on left to face (12:00) and drag right to meet left to finish.
Have Fun, Smile & Enjoy
Contact: Gary O’Reilly - oreillygaryone@gmail.com or (00353) 857819808
Intro: 24 counts
Section 1: L Twinkle, R Twinkle 1/2
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), step left to left side (3)
4 5 6Cross right over left (4), ¼ turn right step back on left (5), ¼ turn right step right to right side (6) (6.00)
Section 2: Cross, Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), sweep right around from back to front over 2 counts (2,3)
4 5 6Cross right over left (4), step left to left side (5), cross right behind left (6)
Section 3: Side, Point, Hold, 1/4, 1/2, 1/4
1 2 3Step left to left side (1), point right to right side (2), HOLD (3)
4 5 6¼ right stepping forward on right (4), ½ right stepping back on left (5), ¼ right stepping right to right side (6) (6.00)
Section 4: 1/8 Forward, Kick, Hold, Back, Rock Back
1 2 31/8 walk forward on left toward right diagonal (7:30) (1) kick right forward (2), Hold (3) (7:30)
4 5 6Step back on right (4), rock back on left (5), recover on right (6)
Section 5: 1/8 Walk L, 1/4 Sweep, Walk R, Sweep
1 2 31/8 left walk forward on left (6:00) (1), ¼ left sweeping right around from back to front over 2 counts (2,3) (3:00)
4 5 6Walk forward right (4), sweep left around from back to front over 2 counts (5,6)
Section 6: Walk L, Sweep, Rock Forward, 1/2
1 2 3Walk forward left (1), sweep right around from back to front over 2 counts (2,3)
4 5 6Rock forward on right (4), recover on left (5), ½ right stepping forward on right (6) (9.00)
Section 7: 1/2, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross
1 2 3½ right stepping back on left (1), sweep right around from front to back over 2 counts (2,3) (3.00)
4 5 6Cross right behind left (4), step left to left side (5), cross right over left (6)
Section 8: Side, Drag, Side, Together, Side
1 2 3Step long step left to left side (1), drag right to meet left (2,3)
4 5 6Step right to right side (4), step left next to right rising up on the balls of both feet (5), step down on right to right side (6)
*Tag: At the end of wall 3 & 5 facing (9.00)
L Twinkle, R Twinkle 1/2
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), step right to right side (2), step left to left side (3)
4 5 6Cross right over left (4), ¼ turn right step back on left (5), ¼ turn right step right to right side (6) (3.00)
Forward, Point, Hold, Back, Point, Hold
1 2 3Cross left over right (1), point right to right side (2), HOLD (3)
4 5 6Cross right behind left (4), point left to left side (5), HOLD (6)
**Ending: during wall 9 the music slows down slightly, dance through to the end of “section 7” (facing 3:00), then to finish make ¼ turn left stepping long step forward on left to face (12:00) and drag right to meet left to finish.
Have Fun, Smile & Enjoy
Contact: Gary O’Reilly - oreillygaryone@gmail.com or (00353) 857819808