Start dance on vocals.
Cross, side, behind side cross, recover and cross rock
1,2Step LF over RF, step RF right
3&4Step LF behind RF, step RF right, rock LF across RF
5&6&Recover to RF, step LF left, rock RF across LF, recover to LF
Walk, walk, step 1/2 turn, step, full turn
1,2Walk right , left
3,4Step RF forward, turn 1/2 turn left weight ends on LF
5,6&Step RF forward, make 1/2 turn right stepping LF back, make 1/2 turn right stepping RF forward
Restart point, wall 2
Rock, recover and step 1/2 turn, 1 1/2 turn
1,2&Rock LF forward, recover to RF, step LF beside RF
3,4Step RF forward, make 1/2 turn left weight ending on LF
5&6Make 1/2 turn left stepping RF back, make 1/2 turn left stepping LF frorward, make 1/2 turn left stepping RF back
Rock, recover and, rock, recover, cross and heel
1,2&Turn 1/4 left rocking LF left, recover to RF, step LF beside RF
3,4Rock RF right, recover to LF
5&6&Step RF over LF, step LF left, dig left heel to right diagonal, step RF beside LF
Restart with step change on wall 2
Dance up to count 12& and add the following steps. You will do the steps on the drumbeat facing 9 o'clock:
1&2&3&Rock LF forward, recover to RF, rock LF back, recover to RF, stomp LF beside RF, stomp RF beside LF
Tag after walls 3 and 7 (facing front wall both times)
Cross, side, behind side cross, recover and cross rock
1,2Step LF over RF, step RF right
3&4Step LF behind RF, step RF right, rock LF across RF
5&6&Recover to RF, step LF left, rock RF across LF, recover to LF
Cross, side, behind side cross, recover and cross rock
1,2Step RF over LF, step LF right
3&4Step RF behind RF, step LF right, rock RF across LF
5&6&Recover to LF, step RF left, rock LF across RF, recover to RF
Choreographers note: This dance is not a waltz, though the counting is in 6's.
It's in 6/8 rhythm. Listen to the track and it will guide you.
Contact: stjskudd.ronny@gmail.com
Last Update - 1 Nov. 2020
Cross, side, behind side cross, recover and cross rock
1,2Step LF over RF, step RF right
3&4Step LF behind RF, step RF right, rock LF across RF
5&6&Recover to RF, step LF left, rock RF across LF, recover to LF
Walk, walk, step 1/2 turn, step, full turn
1,2Walk right , left
3,4Step RF forward, turn 1/2 turn left weight ends on LF
5,6&Step RF forward, make 1/2 turn right stepping LF back, make 1/2 turn right stepping RF forward
Restart point, wall 2
Rock, recover and step 1/2 turn, 1 1/2 turn
1,2&Rock LF forward, recover to RF, step LF beside RF
3,4Step RF forward, make 1/2 turn left weight ending on LF
5&6Make 1/2 turn left stepping RF back, make 1/2 turn left stepping LF frorward, make 1/2 turn left stepping RF back
Rock, recover and, rock, recover, cross and heel
1,2&Turn 1/4 left rocking LF left, recover to RF, step LF beside RF
3,4Rock RF right, recover to LF
5&6&Step RF over LF, step LF left, dig left heel to right diagonal, step RF beside LF
Restart with step change on wall 2
Dance up to count 12& and add the following steps. You will do the steps on the drumbeat facing 9 o'clock:
1&2&3&Rock LF forward, recover to RF, rock LF back, recover to RF, stomp LF beside RF, stomp RF beside LF
Tag after walls 3 and 7 (facing front wall both times)
Cross, side, behind side cross, recover and cross rock
1,2Step LF over RF, step RF right
3&4Step LF behind RF, step RF right, rock LF across RF
5&6&Recover to RF, step LF left, rock RF across LF, recover to LF
Cross, side, behind side cross, recover and cross rock
1,2Step RF over LF, step LF right
3&4Step RF behind RF, step LF right, rock RF across LF
5&6&Recover to LF, step RF left, rock LF across RF, recover to RF
Choreographers note: This dance is not a waltz, though the counting is in 6's.
It's in 6/8 rhythm. Listen to the track and it will guide you.
Contact: stjskudd.ronny@gmail.com
Last Update - 1 Nov. 2020