CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Another Shot of Glory

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Andrina K Faulds (SCO) - March 2018
Shot of Glory - The Washboard Union
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Details: No Tags or Restarts
Count in: 32 counts (on the word DAY)

Section 1: Step right cross left, right chassé step ¼ left cross right, left chassé step
1-2Step right to right side (1), cross left over right (2)
3&4Step right foot to side (3), close left foot to right (&), step right foot to right side (4)
5-6Step left foot to left side making ¼ left (5), cross right foot over left (6)
7&8Step left foot to side (7), close right foot to left (&), step left foot to left side (8)

Section 2: Right rock back step, left behind side cross, right side together forward, left point out flick point
1&2Step right foot behind left (1), step on left (&), step right to right side (2)
3&4Step left behind right (3), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (4)
5&6Step right to right side (5), step left next to right (&), step forward right (6)
7&8Point left toe to left side (7), flick heal up behind right foot (&), point left toe to left side (8)

Section 3: Step down left, right rock behind side, left rock back step forward, twist heals l,r,l ¼ right, clap
1Step down left
2&3Step right foot behind left (1), step on left (&), step right to right side (2)
4&5Step left foot behind right (1), step on right (&), step left in front of right (2)
6&7Making a ½ right over right shoulder twist heals left(6) right (&) left (7)
8Keep weight on left foot and clap (8)

Section 4: Right shuffle forward, left shuffle forward, right jazz box
1&2Step forward on right foot (1), close left foot besides right (&), step forward on right foot (2)
3&4Step forward on left foot (3), close right foot besides left (&), step forward on left foot (4)
5,6,7,8Step right foot across left (5), step left foot back (6), step right foot to right side (7), step left foot next to right (8)

Ending – Dance until the end of section 3 and instead of a ½ turn right make ¼ right and you will finish facing the front

Happy Dancing xxx


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