Intermediate Rolling Count
#4 Count Intro. 1 Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts**
This dance was written for the LDF Day in Edinburgh on 18th March 2018
Step Sweeps, Rock Full Turn Sweep, Behind Side Cross Rock
1-3Step forward left as you sweep right (1), step forward right as you sweep left (2), Step forward left as you sweep right (3) 12:00
4&a5Rock forward on right recover and make ½ turn over right shoulder, continue and make further ½ turn over right shoulder stepping back on left as you sweep right leg front to back 12:00
6&78Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross rock right over left, recover onto left (angle your body to the left diagonal) 12:00
Turn hitch, run back R, L, rock recover half, rock back l, walk r, press left recover, back side cross
&1Make 3/8 turn right stepping forward on right foot, step forward left and hitch up right knee 4:30
2&3Run back right, left, rock back on right foot 4:30
4&5Recover onto left as you make ½ turn over left shoulder stepping back on right, rock back on left foot 10:30
6 7Walk forward right, press left foot forward 10:30
8&aRecover onto right as you square up to side wall, step left to left and cross right over left 9:00
** Restart here on wall 5, add ¼ turn stepping forward left to start the dance again
Diamond Fall Away, step side, rock recover step, cross behind sweep, behind side cross
12&3Step left to left, make 1/8 turn right stepping back on right, step back left, make 1/8 turn right stepping forward right 1:30
4&5Step left to left as you square up to side wall, cross right over left, step left to left 3:00
6&a7Rock right behind left, recover onto left, step right to right, cross left behind right as you sweep right foot front to back 3:00
8&aCross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left 3:00
Curved ½ Turn walk around, cross rock, sway, sway, lunge, 1 & ¼ turn with hitch
1-3Make 1/8 turn stepping forward on left, making 1/8 turn stepping forward right, make 1/8 turn stepping forward left as you sweep right foot from back to front 9:00
4&56Cross rock right over left, recover onto left, step right to right as you sway right, sway left 9:00
7 8Rock out to the side on right foot (slowly lower weight over right knee) 9:00
&aRecover onto left as you make ¼ turn left as you hitch right knee, make ½ turn over left stepping back on right, make ½ turn over left stepping forward left 6:00
**Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts, dance up to and including count 8&a then make a ¼ turn stepping forward left to Restart the dance, facing 6 o’clock
Contact: shiv_dance@hotmail.com
This dance was written for the LDF Day in Edinburgh on 18th March 2018
Step Sweeps, Rock Full Turn Sweep, Behind Side Cross Rock
1-3Step forward left as you sweep right (1), step forward right as you sweep left (2), Step forward left as you sweep right (3) 12:00
4&a5Rock forward on right recover and make ½ turn over right shoulder, continue and make further ½ turn over right shoulder stepping back on left as you sweep right leg front to back 12:00
6&78Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross rock right over left, recover onto left (angle your body to the left diagonal) 12:00
Turn hitch, run back R, L, rock recover half, rock back l, walk r, press left recover, back side cross
&1Make 3/8 turn right stepping forward on right foot, step forward left and hitch up right knee 4:30
2&3Run back right, left, rock back on right foot 4:30
4&5Recover onto left as you make ½ turn over left shoulder stepping back on right, rock back on left foot 10:30
6 7Walk forward right, press left foot forward 10:30
8&aRecover onto right as you square up to side wall, step left to left and cross right over left 9:00
** Restart here on wall 5, add ¼ turn stepping forward left to start the dance again
Diamond Fall Away, step side, rock recover step, cross behind sweep, behind side cross
12&3Step left to left, make 1/8 turn right stepping back on right, step back left, make 1/8 turn right stepping forward right 1:30
4&5Step left to left as you square up to side wall, cross right over left, step left to left 3:00
6&a7Rock right behind left, recover onto left, step right to right, cross left behind right as you sweep right foot front to back 3:00
8&aCross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left 3:00
Curved ½ Turn walk around, cross rock, sway, sway, lunge, 1 & ¼ turn with hitch
1-3Make 1/8 turn stepping forward on left, making 1/8 turn stepping forward right, make 1/8 turn stepping forward left as you sweep right foot from back to front 9:00
4&56Cross rock right over left, recover onto left, step right to right as you sway right, sway left 9:00
7 8Rock out to the side on right foot (slowly lower weight over right knee) 9:00
&aRecover onto left as you make ¼ turn left as you hitch right knee, make ½ turn over left stepping back on right, make ½ turn over left stepping forward left 6:00
**Restart on wall 5 after 16 counts, dance up to and including count 8&a then make a ¼ turn stepping forward left to Restart the dance, facing 6 o’clock
Contact: shiv_dance@hotmail.com