Easy Intermediate
TAG: 4-Count Tag after walls 4, 8, 12: all facing [12:00]
Intro: 32 counts. Weight on left.
(1-8) Skate/scuff/stomp/hold x2
1-4Skate R to right diagonal, scuff L, stomp L to left diagonal, hold
5-8Skate R to right diagonal, scuff L, stomp L to left diagonal, hold
(9-16) Rock, recover, 1/2 right turn, 1/4 right turn hitch, step, close, step, hold
1,2Rock R forward, recover
3,4 1/2 right turn step R forward [6:00], hitch L while turning 1/4 right on R [9:00]
5-8Step L to left, step R next to L, step L to left, hold
(17-24) Cross rock, hold, cross rock, 1/4 left turn step, hold
1-4Cross rock R over L, recover, step R to right, hold
5-8Cross rock L over R, recover, 1/4 left turn step L forward, hold [6:00]
(25-32) Rolling 3/4 left turn, rocking chair
1-21/2 left turn step R back [12:00]
3-41/4 left turn step L to left [9:00]
5-8Rock R forward, recover L, rock R back, recover L
TAG: after Walls 4, 8, 12: all facing [12:00]
Right rocking chair
1-4Step R forward, recover L, step R back, recover L
Instructor’s Note: you may count this as 16-counts by utilizing “and” counts.
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com February 22, 2018
Intro: 32 counts. Weight on left.
(1-8) Skate/scuff/stomp/hold x2
1-4Skate R to right diagonal, scuff L, stomp L to left diagonal, hold
5-8Skate R to right diagonal, scuff L, stomp L to left diagonal, hold
(9-16) Rock, recover, 1/2 right turn, 1/4 right turn hitch, step, close, step, hold
1,2Rock R forward, recover
3,4 1/2 right turn step R forward [6:00], hitch L while turning 1/4 right on R [9:00]
5-8Step L to left, step R next to L, step L to left, hold
(17-24) Cross rock, hold, cross rock, 1/4 left turn step, hold
1-4Cross rock R over L, recover, step R to right, hold
5-8Cross rock L over R, recover, 1/4 left turn step L forward, hold [6:00]
(25-32) Rolling 3/4 left turn, rocking chair
1-21/2 left turn step R back [12:00]
3-41/4 left turn step L to left [9:00]
5-8Rock R forward, recover L, rock R back, recover L
TAG: after Walls 4, 8, 12: all facing [12:00]
Right rocking chair
1-4Step R forward, recover L, step R back, recover L
Instructor’s Note: you may count this as 16-counts by utilizing “and” counts.
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions: barbara.tobin@yahoo.com February 22, 2018