High Improver
Alternative Music: 相见恨晚 By Julia Peng,
No Restart/Tag
Intro: 微风细雨,24 counts;相见恨晚, 32 counts from the first heavy beat
S1: Side Together Chasse to Right ¼ RT, ½ RT Pivot Forward Shuffle, 900
1 2Rf side on 1, Lf together on 2
3&4Rf side on 3, Lf together on &, ¼ RT Rf forward
5&6Lf forward on 5, ½ RT on &, Weight to Rf on 6
7&8Lf forward on 7, Rf together on &, Lf forward on 8
S2: Cross Rock RL, Side Rock, Cross Rock, swipe behind, Together, Side
1&2Rf cross rock on 1, Lf recover on &, Rf home on 2
3&4&Lf cross on 3, Rf recover on &, Lf side on 4, Rf recover on &
5 6Lf cross on 5, Rf Recover and Lf swipe back on 6
7&8Lf cross behind on 7, Rf together on &, Lf side on 7
S3: 1/8 LT Forward, Lock, Forward Shuffle, 1/8 RT Side, Recover, Chasse to Right, 900
1 21/8 LT Rf forward on 1, Lf lock behind on 2
3&4Rf forward on 4, Lf lock behind on &, Rf forward on 4
5 61/8 RT Lf side on 5, Rf recover on 6
7&8Lf cross on 7, Rf together on &, Lf cross on 8
S4: 1/8 RT Forward, ½ RT Spiral, Forward Shuffle; Syncopated Rocking Chair 1/8 LT, Sit, Stand 300
1&21/8 RT Rf forward on 1, ½ RT Spiral on &, Rf forward on 2
3&4Lf forward on 3, Rf together on &, Lf forward on 4
5&6&Rf forward on 5, Lf recover on &, Rf back on 6, 1/8 LT recover on &
7 8Rf close and both keen bent to sit on 7, knees straight on 8
Repeat till the music ends.
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com
No Restart/Tag
Intro: 微风细雨,24 counts;相见恨晚, 32 counts from the first heavy beat
S1: Side Together Chasse to Right ¼ RT, ½ RT Pivot Forward Shuffle, 900
1 2Rf side on 1, Lf together on 2
3&4Rf side on 3, Lf together on &, ¼ RT Rf forward
5&6Lf forward on 5, ½ RT on &, Weight to Rf on 6
7&8Lf forward on 7, Rf together on &, Lf forward on 8
S2: Cross Rock RL, Side Rock, Cross Rock, swipe behind, Together, Side
1&2Rf cross rock on 1, Lf recover on &, Rf home on 2
3&4&Lf cross on 3, Rf recover on &, Lf side on 4, Rf recover on &
5 6Lf cross on 5, Rf Recover and Lf swipe back on 6
7&8Lf cross behind on 7, Rf together on &, Lf side on 7
S3: 1/8 LT Forward, Lock, Forward Shuffle, 1/8 RT Side, Recover, Chasse to Right, 900
1 21/8 LT Rf forward on 1, Lf lock behind on 2
3&4Rf forward on 4, Lf lock behind on &, Rf forward on 4
5 61/8 RT Lf side on 5, Rf recover on 6
7&8Lf cross on 7, Rf together on &, Lf cross on 8
S4: 1/8 RT Forward, ½ RT Spiral, Forward Shuffle; Syncopated Rocking Chair 1/8 LT, Sit, Stand 300
1&21/8 RT Rf forward on 1, ½ RT Spiral on &, Rf forward on 2
3&4Lf forward on 3, Rf together on &, Lf forward on 4
5&6&Rf forward on 5, Lf recover on &, Rf back on 6, 1/8 LT recover on &
7 8Rf close and both keen bent to sit on 7, knees straight on 8
Repeat till the music ends.
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com