CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Drinkin' Again

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Improver / Intermediate Country
Steve Lescarbeau (USA) - December 2017
Drinking Again - Luke Bryan : (CD: What Makes You Country)
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Brush, Brush, Brush, Vine ¼ R, Pivot ½ R, Heel Jack, & Touch
1& 2, 3& 4Brush R over L, Brush R back across L, Brush R forward across L, Step R to R, Step L behind R, step R ¼ R
5, 6, &7& 8Step L forward, Make ½ turn R on R, quickly step back on ball of L, Tap R heel forward, Quickly step on R, touch L toe next to R 9:00

Step, Hold (w/clap), and Step, Hold (w/clap) , Paddle, Paddle, Vaudeville (Cross Ball Heel)
1, 2, &3, 4Step L slightly forward, Hold with a clap, quickly step on ball of R, Step L slightly forward, Hold with a clap
5, 6, 7& 8Touch R out to R as you pivot on L 1/8 turn L, Touch R out to R as pivot on L 1/8 turn L. (5, 6) Cross R over L, Quickly step back on ball of L, Tap R heel forward 6:00

Ball Cross, Side, L Sailor Step, Cross , Side, R Sailor Step ¼ R
&1, 2, 3& 4Quickly step on ball of R, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Step L slightly behind R, Quickly step R to R, Step L to L,
5, 6, 7& 8Cross R over L, Step L to L, Step R slightly behind L, Make a ¼ turn R stepping L to L, Step R to R 9:00

L Toe Strut, R Toe Strut, Kick Ball Cross, Unwind ½ L, Stomp L
1, 2, 3, 4Touch L toe forward, Step on L, Touch R toe forward, Step on R
5& 6, 7, 8Kick L forward, Quickly step on ball of L, Cross R over L, Unwind ½ turn to L transferring the weight to R, Stomp L foot. 3:00

TAG: 8 Count TAG Done after walls 3 & 6.
Bump Hips Forward Twice, Bump Hips Back Twice, Hip Rolls Counter Clockwise Twice
1, 2, 3, 4Bump R hips forward twice, Bump L hips back twice
5, 6, 7, 8Circle your hips around counter clockwise two counts twice. Weight must end on the L.

After Wall 9, do 8 count Tag 3 times in a row, but the 2nd and 3rd times make a ¼ turn L on the hip circles (5, 6, 7, 8)
After the 3rd time there are 4 more counts. Do the first 4 counts of the tag, 2 hip bumps forward, 2 hip bumps back,
Start dance again.

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