CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Please, Please, Please

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Silvia Schill (DE) - December 2017
Please Please Please - Marc Broussard
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The dance starts with the singing

Side, Rock Back-½ Turn R, Rock Back-¼ Turn L, Rock Back-Shuffle in Place Turning Full R
1-2 &Big step to the right with right - step backwards with left and weight back on the RF
3-4 &½ turn right and step back with left (6 o'clock) - step backwards with right and weight back on the LF
5-6 &¼ turn left and step right with right (3 o'clock) - step backwards with left and weight back on the RF
7&8 3steps on the spot, doing a full turn to the right (l - r - l)

Walk 2 (with Sweeps), Mambo Forward, Back 2 (with Sweeps), Sailor Step Turning ¼ L
1-2 2steps forward, swing the leading foot in a circle forward (r - l)
3&4Step forward with right, raise LF slightly - put weight back on the LF and RF beside LF
5-6 2steps to the back, swinging the leading foot in a circle to the back (l - r)
7&8LF cross behind RF - ¼ turn left, RF beside LF and step forward with left (12 o'clock)
Restart: In the 2nd round - 9 o'clock - stop here and start over again
Restart: In the 5th round - 3 o'clock - stop here and start over again
Restart: In the 8th round - 9 o'clock - stop here and start over again

Step-Pivot ½ L-Step, Step-Pivot ½ R-Step, ½ Turn L-½ Turn L-Step, Step-Pivot ¼ R-Cross
1&2Step forward with right - ½ turn left onto balls, at the end weight on the LF, and step forward with right (6 o'clock)
3&4Step forward with left - ½ turn right onto balls, at the end weight on the RF, and step forward with left (12 o'clock)
5&6½ turn left and step backward with right - ½ turn left, step forward with left and step forward with right
7&8Step forward with left - ¼ turn right onto both balls, at the end weight on RF, and cross LF over RF (3 o'clock)
End: The dance ends after '3 & 4' direction 6 o'clock; at the end repeat '1 & 2' - 12 o'clock

¼ Turn L-¼ Turn L-Cross, Scissor Step L + R, Side/Sways
1&2¼ turn left, step backward with right - ¼ turn left, step left with left and RF cross over LF (9 o'clock)
3&4Step left with left - put RF beside LF and cross RF over LF
5&6Step right with right - put LF beside FR and cross RF over left
7&8Step left with left / hips swing left, right and left again

Repeat until the end

Tag (after the end of the 3rd round - 6 o'clock)
Cross, Back-Side-Cross, Back-Side-Sways
1-2&RF cross over LF - step backwards with left and step right with right
3-4&LF cross over RF - step backwards with right and step left with left
5-8Hips swing to the right, left, right and left again

Have fun and happy dancing!!!

For any errors in the translation there is no guarantee!

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